Bach Bibliography
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Author : Stauffer, George B.
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Butler, Gregory G.; Stauffer, George B.; Dalton Greer, Mary (eds.)About Bach. [ce]AboutBach 2008 xi, 216p
2. Stauffer, George B.Bach and the Bounds of Originality. [ce]WorldOfBaroqueMusic 2006 213-234
3. Stauffer, George B.Bach and the Lure of the Big City. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy 2009 243-266
4. Stauffer, George B.Bach as reviser of his own keyboard works. EarlyM 13 2 May 1985 185-198
5. Stauffer, George B.Bach der Organist. [ce]WeltBachKantaten 1 1996 87-102
6. Stauffer, George B.Bach's 'Art of fugue': An Examination of the Sources. Introduction. [Seminar Report.] CurMcol 19 1975 47-50
7. Stauffer, George B.Bach's Cantata and Passion Movements with obbligato Organ. [fs]Kooiman70 2008 19-41
8. Stauffer, George B.Bach's Late Works and the Central German Organ. KeyboardPerspectives 3 2010 113-130
9. Stauffer, George B.Bachs Leipziger Orgel- und Klavierwerke. Bachfest_Leipzig 2000 2000 71-82
10. Stauffer, George B.Bach's Leipzig Organ and Clavier Works. Bachfest_Leipzig 2000 [English edn] 2000 73-82
11. Stauffer, George B.Bach's Organ Registration Reconsidered. [ce]JSBOrganist 1986 193-211
12. Stauffer, George B.Bach's 'Orgelbüchlein': More Than Just a Liturgical Year. AmerOrganist(2) 19 3 Mar 1985 76-78
13. Stauffer, George B.Bach's Pastorale in F: A closer look to a maligned work. OrganYb 14 1983 44-60
14. Stauffer, George B.Bach: The Mass in B Minor ('The Great Catholic Mass') 1997 xiv, 309p
15. Stauffer, George B.Bach the Organist. [ce]WorldOfBachCantatas 1 1997 77-92
16. Stauffer, George B.Beyond Bach the Monument, Who Was Bach the Man? NYTimes 2 Apr 2000
17. Stauffer, George B.Boyvin, Grigny, D'Anglebert, and Bach's assimilation of French Classical organ music. EarlyM 21 1 Feb 1993 83-84, 86-96
18. Stauffer, George B.Breaking New Ground: Bach's Cantata Movements with Obbligato Organ. [p]ABS_Houston Apr 2002
19. Stauffer, George B.Changing issues of performance practice. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach 1997 203-217
20. Stauffer, George B.Christian Gottlieb Zieglers 'Anleitung zur musikalischen Composition'. Ein Bach-Dokument aus der New York Public Library. BachJb 74 1988 185-189
21. Stauffer, George B. (ed.)Clavier-Übung III / Johann Sebastian Bach. CompOrgWorks(Leupold) 8 2010 xxxii, 136p
22. Stauffer, George B.De organist Bach. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 1995 86-101
23. Stauffer, George B.De sinfonia's. [ce]WereldBachCantates 3 1998 156-175
24. Stauffer, George B.'Diese Fantasie ... hat nie ihres Gleichen gehabt.' - Zur Rätselhaftigkeit und zur Chronologie der Bachschen Chromatischen Fantasie und Fuge BWV 903. [cr]Leipzig1985 1988 253-258
25. Stauffer, George B.Die Sinfonien. [ce]WeltBachKantaten 3 1999 157-176
26. Stauffer, George B.Ein neuer Blick auf Bachs 'Handexemplare': Das Beispiel Clavier-Übung III. BachJb 96 2010 29-52
27. Stauffer, George B.Forkel's letters to Hoffmeister & Kühnel: A Bach Biographical Source Recovered. JMcol 5 4 Autumn 1987 549-561
28. Stauffer, George B.Fugue Types in Bach's Free Organ Works. [ce]JSBOrganist 1986 133-156
29. Stauffer, George B.; Earle, Eugenia'I have often felt both suprise and delight at the means he employed to make, little by little, the faulty good, the good better, and the better perfect ...' -- J. S. Bach as Reviser of his Own Keyboard Works. [p]AMS_GreaterNewYork Apr 1983
30. Stauffer, George B.Johann Mattheson and J. S. Bach: the Hamburg connection. [ce]NewMatthesonStudies 1983 353-368
31. Stauffer, George B.; May, Ernest (eds.)J. S. Bach as Organist. His instruments, music and performance practices. [ce]JSBOrganist 1986 308p
32. Stauffer, George B.J. S. Bach as Organ Pedagogue. FestschriftSer 12 1994 25-44
33. Stauffer, George B.J. S. Bach's Harpsichords. FestschriftSer 14 1995 289-318
34. Stauffer, George B. (ed.)J. S. Bach, the Breitkopfs, and Eighteenth-Century Music Trade. BachPerspectives 2 1996 xv, 219p
35. Stauffer, George B.Leipzig: a cosmopolitan trade centre. ManM 4 1993 254-295
36. Stauffer, George B.Miscellaneous Organ Trios from Bach's Leipzig Workshop. Bachperspectives 10 2016 39-59
37. Stauffer, George B.Music for 'Cavaliers et Dames': Bach and the Repertoire of His Collegium Musicum. [ce]AboutBach 2008 135-156
38. Stauffer, George B.Noch ein 'Handexemplar'Ö Der Fall der Schübler-Choräle. BachJb 101 2015 177-192
39. Stauffer, George B.Once Again: Bach's So-Called B-Minor Mass. [p]AMS_Capital Apr 1990
40. Stauffer, George B.On the Unfinished State of Bach's Mass in B Minor. [p]AMS_Chicago Nov 1991
41. Stauffer, George B.Organist Bach. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 1 2001 131-154
42. Ritchie, George; Stauffer, George B.Organ Technique: Modern and Early. 1992 xv, 382p
43. Stauffer, George B. (ed.)Pedagogical works: Eight short preludes and fugues, pedal exercitium, Orgel-Büchlein--Practical Urtext. CompOrgWorks(Leupold) 1b 2012 xxxviii, 197p
44. Stauffer, George B. (ed.)Pedagogical works: Eight short preludes and fugues, pedal exercitium, Orgel-Büchlein--Standard Urtext. CompOrgWorks(Leupold) 1a 2012 li, 139p
45. Stauffer, George B.; May, ErnestPreface (to J. S. Bach as Organist). [ce]JSBOrganist 1986 vii-x
46. Stauffer, George B.President's Report: ABS Activities in Washington, Bethlehem, and New York. AmerBachSocNL Fall 1998 1
47. Stauffer, George B.President's Report: The first ABS CD, Bach Perspectives 3, and ABS New Haven. AmerBachSocNL Fall 1997 1
48. Stauffer, George B.President's Report: The Latest News from Leipzig. AmerBachSocNL Fall 1999 1
49. Stauffer, George B.Rewriting Bach, As Bach Rewrote Others. NYTimes 25 Feb 2001
50. Stauffer, George B.Sammenstillingen af praeludium og fuga. Organistbladet 60 1 1994 11-25
51. Stauffer, George B. (ed.)Schübler Chorales, Canonic Variations on Vom Himmel hoch, Chorale Partitas / Johann Sebastian Bach. CompOrgWorks(Leupold) 1 9 2018 xlviii, 146p
52. Stauffer, George B.Sinfonia. [ce]BachKantataNoSekai 3 2002 265-297
53. Stauffer, George B. (ed.)Six trio sonatas and miscellaneous trios. CompOrgWorks(Leupold) 7 2013 158p
54. Stauffer, George B.The Arts and Royal Extravagance: Music at the French Court. [ce]WorldOfBaroqueMusic 2006 105-121
55. Stauffer, George B.The Breitkopf Family and Its Role in Eighteenth-Century Music Publishing. BachPerspectives 2 1996 1-9
56. Stauffer, George B.The Chronology of Bach's Free Organ Works. [p]AMS_Minneapolis Oct 1978
57. Stauffer, George B.The complete organ works of J.S. Bach: The Leupold Edition. AmerOrganist(2) 44 9 Sep 2010 40-43
58. Stauffer, George B. (ed.)The Forkel-Hoffmeister & Kühnel Correspondence. A Document of the Early 19th-Century Bach Revival. 1988 xxviii, 151p
59. Stauffer, George BoyerThe free organ preludes of Johann Sebastian Bach. diss. 1978 iv, 311p
60. Stauffer, George B.The Matter of Tempo in Bach's Two- and Three-Part Inventions: Chacun à son temps? [p]AMS_Allegheny Apr 1980
61. Stauffer, George BoyerThe Organ Preludes of Johann Sebastian Bach. StudMcol 27 1980 xi, 261p
62. Stauffer, George B.The Symbolum Nicenum of the B-minor Mass and Bach's Late Choral Ideal. [cr]Belfast2007 1 2007 116-117
63. Stauffer, George B.The Symbolum Nicenum of the B-minor Mass and Bach's Late Choral Ideal. [cr]Belfast2007 1 [supplement 3] Nov 2007 11p
64. Stauffer, George B.The Thomasschule and the Haus 'zum Goldenen Bären': A Bach-Breitkopf Architectural Connection. BachPerspectives 2 1996 181-203
65. Stauffer, George B. (ed.)The World of Baroque Music: New Perspectives. [ce]WorldOfBaroqueMusic 2006 x, 293p
66. Stauffer, George B.'This fantasia is unique, and never had its like'--Problems of Dating Bach's Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor, BWV 903. [p]AMS_GreaterNewYork Apr 1985
67. Stauffer, George B.'This fantasia... never had its like': on the enigma and chronology of Bach's Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 903. BachStud 1 1989 160-182
68. Stauffer, George B.Upstairs at the Thomasschule: Bach's Method of Keyboard Instruction as Revealed in the Manuscripts of H. N. Gerber and Anonymous 5. [p]AMS_Boston Nov 1981
69. Stauffer, George B.Von Bach korrigierte Exemplare der Originaldrucke seiner Tastenwerke - ein weiterer Fall. BachJb 103 2017 211-218
70. Stauffer, George B.Über Bachs Orgelregistierpraxis. BachJb 67 1981 91-105

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita