Bach Bibliography
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Author : Peters, Mark
Max number of results shown : 300
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Peters, Mark A.Adapting Bach's final Weimar Cantata for Performance in Leipzig: Liturgical and Musical Considerations in Cantata 147. Bach 31 1 2000 58-73
2. Peters, Mark A.A Reconsideration of Bach's Role as Text Redactor in the Ziegler Cantatas. Bach 36 1 2005 25-66
3. Peters, Mark A.Aria Forms and Scorings in J. S. Bach's Cantatas to Texts by Mariane von Ziegler. [p]BICB_Warsaw Jul 2006
4. Peters, Mark A.Arthur Hartmann on Johann Sebastian Bach: 'The Bach Bogey'. BachNotesABS 3 2005 10-11
5. Peters, Mark A.A Woman's Poetry in Leipzig's Churches: Mariane von Ziegler as Cantata Librettist. [p]Women_Yale Oct 2009
6. Peters, Mark A.A Woman's Voice in Baroque Music: Mariane von Ziegler and J. S. Bach. 2008 xviii, 192p
7. Peters, Mark A.A Woman's Voice in Sacred Baroque Music: Mariane von Ziegler as Cantata Librettist. [p]FMCS_Yale Mar 2007
8. Peters, Mark A.Christiana Mariana von Ziegler's Sacred Cantata Texts and Their Settings by Johann Sebastian Bach. diss. 2003 xv, 384p
9. Peters, Mark A.; Sanders, Reginald L. (eds.)Compositional Choices and Meaning in the Vocal Music of J. S. Bach. ContextBachStud 8 2018 xxi, 328p
10. Peters, Mark A.Considerations of Genre in J. S. Bach's BWV 10, Meine Seel erhebt den Herren. [p]ABS_Bethlehem May 2008
11. Peters, Mark A.Death to Life, Sorrow to Joy: Martin Luther's Theology of the Cross and J. S. Bach's Eastertide Cantata Ihr werdet weinen und heulen (BWV 103) ContextBachStud 8 2018 51-73
12. Peters, Mark A.German Magnificat and Chorale Cantata: J. S. Bach's Meine Seel erhebt den Herren (BWV 10). [p]FMCS_NotreDame Feb 2009
13. Peters, Mark A.J. S. Bach's Meine Seel' erhebt den Herren (BWV 10) as Chorale Cantata and Magnificat Paraphrase. Bach 43 1 2012 29-65
14. Peters, Mark A.Marian theology in printed cantata librettos for the German Lutheran Church, 1704–54. YaleJMRelig 3 1 2017 93-118
15. Peters, Mark A.Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (BWV 62) within the Context of J. S. Bach's Second Leipzig Jahrgang. [p]MotrealBachfest Dec 2007
16. Peters, Mark A.Settings of the Vox Christi in Johann Sebastian Bach's cantatas to texts by Christiane Mariane von Ziegler. [p]ABS_Houston Apr 2002
17. Peters, Mark A.Speech and Silence in Bach's Cantatas to Texts by Mariana von Ziegler. [p]AMS_Houston Nov 2003
18. Peters, Mark A.Speech and Silence in Bach's Cantatas to Texts by Marianna von Ziegler. [p]AMS_Allegheny Oct 2001
19. Peters, MarkThe Mercy of God in the Magnificats of J. S. Bach and His Contemporaries. [p]ABS_SouthBend Apr 2016
20. Peters, Mark A.To clear all hindering obstacles from the path': Mariana von Ziegler's use of music in defense of Women's rights. [p]AMS_Washington Oct 2005
21. Peters, Mark A.Vocal Music. [ce]RoutledgeResearchCompanion 2017 267-294

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita