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Author : Marissen, Michael
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TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Marissen, MichaelA Critical Reappraisal of J. S. Bach's A-major Flute Sonata. [BWV 1032] JMcol 6 3 Summer 1988 367-386
2. Melamed, Daniel R.; Marissen, MichaelAn introduction to Bach Studies. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. xi, 189p. 1998 xi, 189p
3. Scheide, William H.; Marshall, Robert L.; Marissen, Michael; Wolff, ChristophArthur Mendel and the World of J. S. Bach. Lecture given at 'Bach and Mendel': A Special Symposium in Celebration of the Centenary of Professor Arthur Mendel and the Sixtieth Anniversary of The Bach Reader, Saturday, November 19, 2005 at the Princeton University. [p]Mendel60BR Nov 2005
4. Marissen, MichaelA Trio in C major for recorder, violin and continuo by J. S. Bach? [BWV 1032] EarlyM 13 3 Aug 1985 384-390
5. Marissen, MichaelAufführungspraxis und Bedeutung in zwei Instrumentalwerken Johann Sebastian Bachs. [BWV 1047/1, 1079] DortmundBachF 2 1999 291-301
6. Marissen, Michael; Varwig, Bettina; Begbie, JeremyBach and God. A session presented at the Eighth J. S. Bach Dialogue Meeting at Madingley Hall, Cambridge, 10-15 July 2017. [p]BNUK_Cambridge Jul 2017
7. Marissen, MichaelBach and Josephus on the destruction of Jerusalem. A paper read at Biennial Meeting of the American Bach Society, April 26-28, 2002 at University of Houston, Rice University Houston, TX. 'J. S. Bach: Liturgy--Music--Theology.' [p]ABS_Houston Apr 2002
8. Marissen, MichaelBach and Recorders in G. GalpinSocJ 48 Mar 1995 199-204
9. Marissen, MichaelBach. Brandenburg Kyosokyoku. [Bach. Brandenburg Concertos.] Trans. Tadashi Watanabe. BCJ 42 May 2000 8-19
10. Marissen, MichaelBach & God. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. xxi, 257p. ISBN: 978-0-19-060695-4. 2016 xxi, 257p
11. Marissen, MichaelBach, Luther, and Josephus on the Destruction of Jerusalem. Paper read at the Tagung der Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für theologische Bachforschung e.V. 14.-17. März 2002 in Verbindung mit der Evang.-Luth. Kirchgemeinde Eisenach, der Gesellschaft [p]IATB_Eisenach Mar 2002
12. Marissen, MichaelBach-Repertoire für Flötisten. Noten Tibia 12 3 1987 537-540
13. Marissen, MichaelBach's Oratorios: The Parallel German-English Texts with Annotations. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. 208p. ISBN13: 9780195367171; ISBN10: 0195367170 2008 208p
14. Marissen, MichaelBach's St. John Passion and the Jews. Bach in the Blood. Colloquium 4 Autumn 2007 141-143
15. Marissen, MichaelBeziehungen zwischen der Besetzung und dem Satzaufbau im ersten Satz des sechsten Brandenburgischen Konzerts von Johann Sebastian Bach. BeitrBachF 9-10 1991 104-128
16. Marissen, MichaelBiblical solutions to Certain Problems in Bach Biography. Paper read at International Bach Symposium Utrecht 2000, University of Utrecht 12-14 September 2000. [p]IBS_Utrecht Sep 2000
17. Marissen, MichaelBlood, People, and Crowds in Matthew, Luther, and Bach. LutherQ 19 1 2005 1-22
18. Marissen, MichaelBlood, people and crowds in Matthew's Gospel, Luther's New Testament and Bach's St. Matthew Passion. Passion, Affekt und Leidenschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit. 11. Jahrestreffen des Wolfenbütteler Arbeitskreises für Barockforschung in der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel vom 2. bis 5. April 2003 [p]WAfB_Wolfenbüttel Apr 2003
19. Marissen, MichaelBrandenburg Concertos (Brandenburgische Konzerte). Six Concertos, BWV 1046-1051, which Bach dedicated to Christian Ludwig, Margrave of Brandenburg, in March 1721. [Reproduced from Oxford Composer Companions: J. S. Bach, ed. Malcolm Boyd, 1999, pp.68-73) BCJ 42 May 2000 28-33
20. Marissen, MichaelConcerto Styles and Signification in Bach's First Brandenburg Concerto. BachPerspectives 1 1995 79-101
21. Marissen, Michael (ed.)Creative Responses to Bach from Mozart to Hindemith. Edited by Michael Marissen. - Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1998. ix, 160p. ISBN: 0-8032-1048-5. (= Bach Perspectives, 3) BachPerspectives 3 1998 ix, 160p
22. Marissen, MichaelHistorically Informed Rendering of the Librettos from Bach's Church Cantatas. [fs]Leaver65 2007 103-120
23. Marissen, MichaelIn Memoriam: J. Reilly Lewis (15 September 1944—9 June 2016). BachNotesABS 25 Fall 2016 7
24. Marissen, MichaelJ. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concertos as a Meaningful Set. MQ 77 2 Summer 1993 193-235
25. Marissen, MichaelJ. S. Bach's Church Cantatas and 'the Jews' in the Gospel of John. A Paper read at the 16th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music held at University Mozarteum Salzburg, 9-13 July 2014. [BWV 42, 44] [p]BICB_Salzburg Jul 2014
26. Marissen, MichaelLutheranism, Anti-Judaism, and Bach's St. John Passion. With an annotated literal translation of the libretto. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. 127p. 1998 127p
27. Marissen, MichaelLutheranism, Anti-Judaism, and Bach's St. John Passion. A paper read at the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the American Musicological Society on 7 October 1995 at Swarthmore College. [p]AMS_MidAtlantic Oct 1995
28. Marissen, MichaelMore Source-Critical Research on J. S. Bach's Musical Offering. Bach 25 1 Spring-Summer 1994 11-27
29. Marissen, MichaelNew Theological Research on Bach's Church Cantatas and Oratorios. A paper read at the International Music Symposium 'Recent Research in Baroque Music' held at Roosevelt Academy (Holland) on 22 March 2005. [p]IMS_Middelburg Mar 2005
30. Marissen, MichaelOn Linking Bach's F-Major Sinfonia and his Hunt Cantata. [BWV 208, 1046a] Bach 23 2 Fall-Winter 1992 31-46
31. Marissen, MichaelOn the Musically Theological in J. S. Bach's Church Cantatas. LutherQ 16 1 2002 48-64
32. Marissen, MichaelOrganological Questions and their Significance in J. S. Bach's Fourth Brandenburg Concerto. JAmerMInstrSoc 17 1991 5-52
33. Marissen, MichaelPenzel Manuscripts of Bach Concertos. DortmundBachF 1 1997 77-87
34. Marissen, MichaelPerformance Practice Issues that Affect Meaning in Selected Bach Instrumental Works. A paper read at the Mid-Atlantic Chapter meeting of the American Musicological Society on 1 April 1995 at West Chester University. [p]AMS_MidAtlantic Apr 1995
35. Marissen, MichaelPerformance Practice Issues that Affect Meaning in Two Bach Instrumental Works. Paper read at the 2nd Dortmunder Bach-Symposions, 21-24 January 1998. [p]BS_Dortmund Jan 1998
36. Marissen, MichaelPerformance Practice Issues That Affect Meaning in Two Bach Instrumental Works. Chapter 4. EastmanStudM 28 2004 85-94 [fs]Marshall65
37. Marissen, MichaelPerspectives on the 'St. John Passion' and the Jews. NYTimes 2 Apr 2000
38. Butt, John; Tomita, Yo; Marissen, Michael; Varwig, BettinaPrinciples of Performance Lost and Gained: John Butt on Bach-related subjects in conversation with Yo Tomita, Michael Marissen and Bettina Varwig. A session presented at the Seventh J. S. Bach Dialogue Meeting at Madingley Hall, Cambridge, 8-10 July 2015. [p]BNUK_Cambridge Jul 2015
39. Marissen, MichaelRelationships Between Form and Scoring in J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No.6. A paper read at the Mid-Atlantic Chapter meeting of the American Musicological Society on 21 October 1989. [p]AMS_MidAtlantic Oct 1989
40. Marissen, MichaelRelationships Between Form and Scoring in J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No.6. A paper read at the 55th Annual Meeting of the AMS and the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for Music Theory, 26-29 October 1989 in Austin, Texas. [p]AMS_Austin Oct 1989
41. Marissen, MichaelRelationships between Scoring and Structure in the First Movement of Bach's Sixth Brandenburg Concerto. MLetters 71 4 Nov 1990 494-504
42. Marissen, MichaelReligious Aims in Mendelssohn's 1829 Berlin-Singakademie Performances of Bach's St. Matthew Passion. Music and Culture. MQ 77 4 Winter 1993 718-726
43. Marissen, MichaelReligious Meaning and Bach Performance. A paper read at the biennial meeting of the American Bach Society 'J. S. Bach and the Confessional Landscape of His Time' held at University of Notre Dame (South Bend, IN), April 7-10, 2016. [p]ABS_SouthBend Apr 2016
44. Marissen, Michael AnthonyScoring, Structure, and Signification in J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. PhD diss., Walthan, MA: Brandeis University, 1991. vii, 251p. diss. 1991 vii, 251p
45. Marissen, MichaelThe Character and Sources of the Anti-Judaism in Bach's Cantata 46. HarvardTheolReview 96 1 2003 63-99
46. Marissen, MichaelThe Redemptive Interpretation of Matthew 27: 25 in Bach's St. Matthew Passion. 'American Bach Sources and Current Theological Research in Bach': The Annual Meeting of the Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für theologische Bachforschung, September 10-14, 1997, hosted by the Newberry Library, Chicago as part of its exhibit: 'The Music and Mind of Bach.' [p]IATB_Chicago Sep 1997
47. Marissen, MichaelThe Social and Religious Designs of J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. Princeton Univ. Press, 1995. 160p. - 2/1999. 150p. ISBN: 0-691-00686-5. 1995 160p
48. Marissen, MichaelThe theological character of J. S. Bach's Musical Offering. BachStud 2 1995 85-106
49. Marissen, MichaelVom Musikalisch-Theologischen in den Kirchenkantaten J. S. Bachs. Paper read at Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für theologische Bachforschung e.V. 'Tradition und Erneuerung in Johann Sebastian Bachs Choralbearbeitungen' Die Gestaltung des lutherischen Kirchenliedes in Bachs Choralkantaten und Orgelchorälen. Symposium vom 30. September - 4. Oktober 1999 im Tagungszentrum Løgumkloster/Dänemark. [p]IATB_Logumkloster Oct 1999
50. Marissen, MichaelYohane Junankyoku BWV 245 Dai-4-Ko. Johannespassion BWV 245 Fassung IV. Kashi Chushaku. [Text commentary by Michael Marissen trans. Kazuhiro Fujiwara]. BCJ 76 Apr 2007 9-40

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita