Bach Bibliography
Listing of Journal Contents

The keys being searched are:
Series : RMAResChronicle
Author Title Series Vol No Year Pages NB
Fitzpatrick, HoraceThe Waldhorn and its association in Bach's time. RMAResChronicle 3 196551-54
Stevens, Jane R.Concerto no. 6 in F minor--by Johann Christian Bach? RMAResChronicle 21 198853-56
Rogers, VictoriaThomas Goff, four harpsichords, J.S. Bach and the Royal Festival Hall. RMAResChronicle49 201850-67

3 matches.

Search took 0.968s cpu time (0.031s in system), 62902 records per second.

BachBib Search Engine 1pspw Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 20 December 2008 by Yo Tomita