Bach Bibliography
Listing of Journal Contents

The keys being searched are:
Series : PsycholM
Author Title Series Vol No Year Pages NB
Beament, JamesThe Biology of Music. PsycholM5 1 19773-18
Colley, Ann; Banton, Louise J.; Down, JuliaAn expert-novice comparison in musical composition. PsycholM20 2 1992124-137
Shaffer, L. HenryMusical Performance as Interpretation. PsycholM23 1 199517-38
Chaffin, Roger; Imreh, GabrielaA comparison of practice and self-report as sources of information about the goals of expert practice. PsycholM29 1 200139-69
Hong, Ju-LeeInvestigating Expressive Timing and Dynamics in Recorded Cello Performances. PsycholM31 3 2003340-352
Schubert, Emery; Fabian, DorottyaThe dimensions of baroque music performance: a semantic differential study. PsycholM34 4 2006537-587
Davis, StaceyBring out the counterpoint: Exploring the relationship between implied polyphony and rubato in Bach's solo violin music. PsycholM37 3 Jul 2009301-324
Chaffin, Roger; Lisboa, Tânia; Logan, Topher; Begosh, Kristen T.Preparing for memorized cello performance: The role of performance cues. PsycholM38 1 Jan 2010 3-30

8 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1pspw Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 20 December 2008 by Yo Tomita