Bach Bibliography
Listing of Journal Contents

The keys being searched are:
Series : JPTABul
Author Title Series Vol No Year Pages NB
Kobayashi, YoshitakeBach no Edition to Ensoshukan -- Barokku no Kenbansakuhin o megutte. JPTABul15 19991-16
Matsuda, MarikoC.P.E. Bach no Clavier Sonata -- Dai-1-Gakusho no Yoshiki no Hensen -- Dai-2-Ki (1749-1759) Shin'yoshiki Kakudai no Jidai. JPTABul21 200571-82
Matsuda, MarikoC.P.E. Bach no Clavier Sonata -- Dai-1-Gakusho no Yoshiki no Hensen -- Dai-3-Ki (1760-1786) Berlin Jidai no owari to Hamburg Jidai, narabini Zentai no matome. JPTABul23 200767-80
Kato, IchiroBahha Enso ni okeru Tempo no Hendo ni kansuru Kenkyu: Hakusetsunai de okonawareru Tempo no Shinshuku. JPTABul27 2011 1-24
Kato, IchiroBahha no Klavier Sakuhin no Enso ni okeru Tempo Hendo ni kansuru Kenkyu: Toka no Oto ni yoru Motif no Hanpuku Kasho ni okeru Enso no Bunseki o toshite. JPTABul32 201671-87

5 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1pspw Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 20 December 2008 by Yo Tomita