Bach Bibliography
Listing of Journal Contents

The keys being searched are:
Series : HiFi
Author Title Series Vol No Year Pages NB
Lang, Paul HenryThe Bach renascence. HiFi11 Aug 196126-29
Broder, NathanThe 'Brandenburgs' - 'So musical a discourse'. HiFi15 196576-77
Broder, NathanThe Bach Passions and Oratorios. A discography. HiFi16 196646-47
Marcus, LeonardThe posthumous carrier of J. S. Bach. HiFi16 196656-58
Elsner, CarmenGunnar Johansen: The complete pianist. With the complete keyboard works of Bach and Busoni already recorded... HiFi26 197688-91
Goldsmith, HarrisBach on the Piano? Yes! HiFi29 1979127-128
Cantrell, ScottBach Suites by the English Concert: an Energetic Swirl of Wigs and Satins. HiFi29 11 197988
Marshall, Robert L.Bach's 'choruses' reconstituted. HiFi32 10 198264-66, 94
Rifkin, JoshuaBach's 'choruses': The record amplified. HiFi32 12 Spec. Suppl 1982
Rifkin, JoshuaBach's 'choruses': Less than they seem? HiFi32 9 198242-44

10 matches.

Search took 1.031s cpu time (0s in system), 59059 records per second.

BachBib Search Engine 1pspw Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 20 December 2008 by Yo Tomita