Bach Bibliography
Listing of Journal Contents

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Series : ContextBachStud
Author Title Series Vol No Year Pages NB
Cameron, Jasmin MelissaThe Crucifixion in Music: An Analytical Survey of Settings of the Crucifixus between 1680 and 1800. ContextBachStud1 2006xxiv, 371p
Elferen, Isabella vanMystical love in the German Baroque: theology, poetry, music. ContextBachStud2 2009xxvi, 357p
Leahy, AnneJ. S. Bach's 'Leipzig Chorale' Preludes: Music, Text, Theology. ContextBachStud3 2011xxviii, 297p
Göncz, ZoltánBach's Testament: On the Philosophical and Theological Background of The Art of Fugue. ContextBachStud4 2013xvi, 178p
Irwin, Joyce L.Foretastes of heaven in Lutheran church music tradition: Johann Mattheson and Christoph Raupach on music in time and eternity. ContextBachStud5 2015xlix, 162p
Paczkowski, SzymonPolish style in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. ContextBachStud6 2017xvi, 402p
Bartel, DietrichAndreas Werckmeister's Musicalische Paradoxal-Discourse: A Well-Tempered Universe. ContextBachStud7 2017xv, 157p
Rathey, MarkusIn Honor of God and the City: Strategies of Theological and Symbolic Communication in Bach's Cantata Gott ist mein König (BWV 71). ContextBachStud8 2018 3-22
Chafe, EricTwo 'Johannine' Cantatas: Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes (BWV 40) and Sehet, welch eine Liebe (BWV 64). ContextBachStud8 2018 23-50
Peters, Mark A.Death to Life, Sorrow to Joy: Martin Luther's Theology of the Cross and J. S. Bach's Eastertide Cantata Ihr werdet weinen und heulen (BWV 103) ContextBachStud8 2018 51-73
Greer, MaryToward an Understanding of J. S. Bach's Use of Red Ink in the Autograph Score of the Matthew Passion. ContextBachStud8 2018 75-102
Petzoldt, MartinThe Theological in Bach Research (2007). ContextBachStud8 2018103-118
Sanders, Reginald L.Formal and Motivic Design in the Opening Chorus of J. S. Bach's Magnificat. ContextBachStud8 2018121-137
Lee, KayoungThe Tonally Open Ritornello in J. S. Bach's Church Cantatas. ContextBachStud8 2018139-151
Allanbrook, Wye J.The Christian Believer and the Sleep of Jesus: 'Mache dich, mein Herze, rein' from J. S. Bach's Matthew Passion. ContextBachStud8 2018153-164
Schulze, Hans-JoachimParody and Text Quality in the Vocal Works of J. S. Bach. ContextBachStud8 2018167-176
Leaver, Robin A.J. S. Bach's Parodies of Vocal Music: Conservation or Intensification? ContextBachStud8 2018177-203
Butler, GregoryJ. S. Bach's Dresden Trip and His Earliest Serenatas for Köthen. ContextBachStud8 2018205-214
Saunders, StevenBach's Second Thoughts on the Christmas Oratorio: The Compositional Revisions to 'Bereite dich, Zion,' BWV 248/4. ContextBachStud8 2018215-224
Tomita, YoThe Passions as a Source of Inspiration? A Hypothesis on the Origin and Musical Aim of Well-Tempered Clavier II. ContextBachStud8 2018225-242
Kevorkian, TanyaThe Leipzig Audiences of J. S. Bach's Matthew Passion to 1750. ContextBachStud8 2018245-259
Grant, Jason B.The Vocal Music of the Bach Family in Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. ContextBachStud8 2018261-279
Scheide, William H.The Need for a New Music: J. S. Bach in Contemporary Context (1946). ContextBachStud8 2018281-295
Marshall, Robert L.Bach at the Boundaries of Music History: Preliminary Thoughts on the B-minor Mass and the Late Style Paradigm. ContextBachStud8 2018297-303
Peters, Mark A.; Sanders, Reginald L.Compositional Choices and Meaning in the Vocal Music of J. S. Bach. ContextBachStud8 2018xxi, 328p

25 matches.

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Last revised on 20 December 2008 by Yo Tomita