Bach Bibliography
Listing of Journal Contents

The keys being searched are:
Series : AllgDBiographie
Author Title Series Vol No Year Pages NB
Liliencron, Rochus vonBach, Johann Michael. AllgDBiographie1 1875728-729
Liliencron, Rochus vonBach, Johann Christoph. AllgDBiographie1 1875729
Liliencron, Rochus von; Riehl, Wilhelm HeinrichBach, Johann Sebastian. AllgDBiographie1 1875729-743
Bellermann, HeinrichBach, Wilhelm Friedemann. AllgDBiographie1 1875743-744
Bellermann, HeinrichBach, Philipp Emanuel. AllgDBiographie1 1875744-746
Liliencron, Rochus vonBach, Johann Christoph Friedrich. AllgDBiographie1 1875746-747
Pohl, Carl FerdinandBach, Johann Christian. AllgDBiographie1 1875747-749
Spitta, PhilippKittel, Johann Christian. AllgDBiographie16 1882 45-46
Eitner, RobertSchelble, Johann Nepomuk. AllgDBiographie30 1890745-747
Lämmerhirt, GustavWilhelm Ernst, Herzog von Sachsen-Weimar. AllgDBiographie43 1898195-201

10 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1pspw Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 20 December 2008 by Yo Tomita