Bach Bibliography
Listing of Journal Contents

The keys being searched are:
Series : [cr]Warszawa1960
Author Title Series Vol No Year Pages NB
Wiora, WalterChopins Preludes und Etudes und Bachs Wohltemperiertes Klavier. [cr]Warszawa1960 1963 73-81
Nys, Carl deNote sür les Polonaises de Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. [cr]Warszawa1960 1963578-587
Lissa, ZofiaThe Book of the First International Musicological Congress devoted to the Works of Frederick Chopin, Warszawa 16th - 22nd February 1960. [cr]Warszawa1960 1963755p

3 matches.

Search took 0.921s cpu time (0.031s in system), 66112 records per second.

BachBib Search Engine 1pspw Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 20 December 2008 by Yo Tomita