Bach Bibliography
Listing of Journal Contents

The keys being searched are:
Series : [cr]NewYork1961
Author Title Series Vol No Year Pages NB
Gudewill, KurtUrsprünge und nationale Aspekte des Quodlibets. [cr]NewYork19611 1961 30-43
Stevens, DenisProblems of Editing and Publishing Old Music. [cr]NewYork19611 1961150-158
Pincherle, MarcDes manières d'exécuter la musique aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. [cr]NewYork19611 1961220-231
Dart, ThurstonPerformance Practice in the 17th and 18th centuries. Six Problems in Instrumental Music. [cr]NewYork19611 1961231-235
Dadelsen, Georg vonBach-Probleme. [cr]NewYork19611 1961236-249
Emery, WalterOn Evidence of Derivation. [cr]NewYork19611 1961249-252
LaRue, JanInternational Musicological Society. Report of the Eighth Congress, New York 1961. Volume I -- Papers. [cr]NewYork19611 1961xi, 472p
Mendel, ArthurEvidence and Explanation. [cr]NewYork19612 1962 3-18
Kenney, Sylvia W.Origins and National Aspects of the Quodlibet. [cr]NewYork19612 1962 53-57
Newman, JoelProblems of Editing and Publishing Old Music. [cr]NewYork19612 1962101-104
Boyden, David D.Performance Practice in the 17th and 18th Centuries. [cr]NewYork19612 1962122-126
Bernstein, MartinThe Chronology of the Orchestral Suites BWV, 1066-1069, considered from the points of view of (1) recently developed chronological criteria, and (2) the instrumental resources necessary for their performance. [cr]NewYork19612 1962127-128
Treitler, LeoBach Problems. [cr]NewYork19612 1962127-131
Blume, FriedrichParodies among the Leipzig Arias. [cr]NewYork19612 1962128-129
Geiringer, KarlBach's work-cycle. [cr]NewYork19612 1962129-130
Scheide, William H.Bach's relation to his texts. [cr]NewYork19612 1962130
Mendel, Arthur; Dürr, AlfredAssumptions underlying the new Bach chronology. [cr]NewYork19612 1962130-131
Dadelsen, Georg von; Geiringer, KarlBach as 'conservator' vs. Bach as 'pathbreaker'. [cr]NewYork19612 1962131
Aldrich, PutnamThe Role of Improvised and Written Ornamentation in the Evolution of Musical Language. [cr]NewYork19612 1962166-171
LaRue, JanInternational Musicological Society. Report of the Eighth Congress, New York 1961. Volume II -- Reports. [cr]NewYork19612 1962xv, 184p

20 matches.

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Last revised on 20 December 2008 by Yo Tomita