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Series : ^RummelAdaptations$
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TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Rummel, Walter (arr.)ERTODT' UNS DURCH DEIN GÜTE! / J. S. BACH = Mortify us by thy grace = Mortifie nous par ta grâce. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: Augener, c.1922. Pl.-Nr.: 5494; 4th rev. edn. London: J. & W. Chester, c.1922. [i] (Preface, en-de-fr, dated '1927'), [2]p. Pl.-Nr.: J.W.C. 2168. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Choral Preludes, Series 1, No. 1) [BWV 22/5] RummelAdaptations 1 1 1922 2p
2. Rummel, Walter (arr.)CHORAL-OUVERTURE: ACH WIE NICHTIG, ACH WIE FLÜCHTIG IST DES MENSCHEN LEBEN / J. S. BACH = Ah! How ephemeral, how transitory is man's life! Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1924. 5p. Pl.-Nr.: 1513a.; London: J. & W. Chester, c1924. [i] (Preface, en-gr-fr, dated '1927'), 1-5p. Pl.-Nr.: J. W. C. 2169. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Choral Preludes, Series 1, No. 2) [BWV 26/1] RummelAdaptations 1 2 1924 5p
3. Rummel, Walter (arr.)LIEBSTER JESU WIR SIND HIER / J. S. BACH = Blessed Jesus, here we stand. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1924. 3p. Pl.-Nr.: 1514a. - rev. edn. London: J. & W. Chester, 1927. 2-3p. Pl.-Nr.: J. W. C. 2170. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Choral Preludes, Series 1, No. 3) [BWV 731] RummelAdaptations 1 3 1924 3p
4. Rummel, Walter (arr.)VATER UNSER IM HIMMELREICH / J. S. BACH = Our father in heaven = Notre père dans le ciel. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1926. 6p. Pl.-Nr.: 5355.; London: J. & W. Chester, c1926. 4-6p. Pl.-Nr.: J. W. C. 2171. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Choral Preludes, Series 1, No. 4) [BWV 760 - Anh. III 172] RummelAdaptations 1 4 1926 6p
5. Rummel, Walter (arr.)WAS GOTT TUT, DAS IST WOHLGETAN / J. S. BACH = What God hath done, is rightly done. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1926. 4-9p. Pl.-Nr.: 5356 ; London: J. & W. Chester, 1927. 2-7p. Pl.-Nr.: J. W. C. 2172. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Choral Preludes, Series 1, No. 5) [BWV 99/1 or 100/1] RummelAdaptations 1 5 1926 9p
6. Rummel, Walter (arr.)DAS ALTE JAHR VERGANGEN IST / J. S. BACH = The old year now hath passed. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1926. 5p. Pl.-Nr.: 5357. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Choral Preludes, Series 1, No. 6) [BWV 614] RummelAdaptations 1 6 1926 5p
7. Rummel, Walter (arr.)JESUS CHRISTUS, GOTTES SOHN / J. S. BACH = Jesus Christ the Son of God = Jésus Christ, le fils de dieu. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1926. 6p. Pl.-Nr.: 5356.; London: J. & W. Chester, 1926. 1-4p. Pl.-Nr.: J.W.C. 2174. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Choral Preludes, Series 1, No. 7) [BWV 4/4] RummelAdaptations 1 7 1926 6p
8. Rummel, Walter (arr.)Aria (Duett): 'WIR EILEN MIT SCHWACHEN; DOCH EMSIGEN SCHRITTEN' / J. S. BACH. = 'WE HASTEN TO THEE, WITH FEEBLE BUT EAGER FEET'. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1926. 5-10p. Pl.-Nr.: 5384. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Serie 2, No. 1) [BWV 78/2] RummelAdaptations 2 1 1926 10p
9. Rummel, Walter (arr.)Sinfonia 'Weinen, klagen, sorgen, zagen' / J. S. BACH = 'Weeping, lamenting' = 'Pleurer, lamenter'. Adapted from the 12th cantata by W. RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1928. 3-6p. Pl.-Nr. 5662.; London: J. & W. Chester, 1928. 6p. Pl.-Nr.: J.W.C. 217. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Serie 2, No. 2) [BWV 12/1] RummelAdaptations 2 2 1928 6p
10. Rummel, Walter (arr.)Aria: MEIN GLÄUBIGES HERZE FROHLOCKE, SING, SCHERZE / J. S. Bach. = My believing heart, rejoice, sing and make merry = Mon cœur fervent. Triomphe. Chante et se réjouit. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1926. 4-7p. Pl.-Nr.: 5385. ; repr. London: J. & W. Chester, 1927. 2-5p. Pl.-Nr.: J.W.C. 2203. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Serie 2, No. 3) [BWV 68/2] RummelAdaptations 2 3 1926 7p
11. Rummel, Walter (arr.)OH MENSCHEN, DIE IHR TÄGLICH SÜNDIGT / J. S. BACH = 'We sinful mortals' = 'Hommes, ô vous qui commettez chaque jour le péché'. Adapted from the 122nd cantata by W. RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1928. 6p. Pl.-Nr. 5663.; London: J. & W. Chester, 1928. 3-6p. Pl.-Nr.: J.W.C. 2175. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Serie 2, No. 4) [BWV 122/2] RummelAdaptations 2 4 1928 6p
12. Rummel, Walter (arr.)'DAS BRAUSEN VON DEN RAUHEN WINDEN' / J. S. BACH = 'The surging of the raw winds' = 'Le mjuggissement des vents amers'. Adapted from the 92nd Cantata by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1928. 6p. Pl.-Nr.: 5641.; London: J. & W. Chester, 1928. 3-6p. Pl.-Nr.: J.W.C. 2177. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Serie 2, No. 5) [BWV 92/6] RummelAdaptations 2 5 1928 6p
13. Rummel, Walter (arr.)ARIA-PRELUDE 'DIE WELT IST NUR EIN RAUCH UND SCHATTEN' / J. S. BACH = 'The World is like Smoke and Shadow' = 'Le Monde est tout ombre et fumée'. Adapted from the 94th cantata by W. RUMMEL. - London: Augener, 1928. 6p. Pl.-Nr. 5664. ; London: J. & W. Chester, 1928. 4-6p. Pl.-Nr.: J.W.C. 2178. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Serie 2, No. 6) [BWV 94/2] RummelAdaptations 2 6 1928 6p
14. Rummel, Walter (arr.)Tanzlied des Pan: 'ZU TANZE, ZU SPRUNGE' / J. S. BACH = Pan's Dancing Song 'TO DANCE, TO FROLIC'. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: Augener, c.1926. 11p. Pl.-Nr.: 5386. ; London: J. & W. Chester, c.1926. 5-11p. Pl.-Nr.: J.W.C. 2248. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Serie 2, No. 7) [BWV 201/7] RummelAdaptations 2 7 1926 11p
15. Rummel, Walter (arr.)ORCHESTRAL OVERTURE. 'THROUGH AFFLICTION WE ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN' / J. S. BACH = 'WIR MÜSSEN DURCH VIEL TRÜBSAL IN DAS REICH GOTTES EINGEHEN' = 'PAR AFFLICTION NOUS ENTRONS AU ROYAUME DE DIEU': Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: J. & W. Chester, 1927. 5-19p. Pl.-Nr.: J. & W. C. 2144. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Series 3, No. 1) [BWV 146/1] RummelAdaptations 3 1 1927 19p
16. Rummel, Walter (arr.)LEOPOLD SERENATA: 'THY NAME LIKE UNTO THE SUN...' / J. S. BACH = 'DEIN NAME GLEICH DER SONNE GEH...' = 'TON NOM; PAREIL AU SOLEIL...'. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: J. & W. Chester, 1927. 3-7p. Pl.-Nr.: J. & W. C. 2143. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Series 3, No. 2) [BWV 173a/7] RummelAdaptations 3 2 1927 7p
17. Rummel, Walter (arr.)CEMBALO OBBLIGATO 'CHI IN AMORE HA NEMICA LA SORTE' / J. S. BACH = 'LET NEVER LOVE DECEIVE THEE' = 'LASS DICH NIMMER VON DER LIEBE BERÜCKEN'. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: J. & W. Chester, 1927. 4-11p. Pl.-Nr.: J. & W. C. 2145. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Series 3, No. 3) [BWV 203/3] RummelAdaptations 3 3 1927 11p
18. Rummel, Walter (arr.)STÜRZE ZU BODEN / J. S. BACH = HURL THEM DOWN HEADLONG. = EFFONDRE-TOI, HOMME PLEIN D'ORGUEIL. Adapted by W. RUMMEL. - London: J. & W. Chester, 1930. 6-11p. Pl.-Nr.: J. & W. C. 2184. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Series 3, No. 4) [BWV 126/4] RummelAdaptations 3 4 1930 11p
19. Rummel, Walter (arr.)DICH HAB' ICH JE UND JE GELIEBT / J. S. BACH = THEE HAVE I EVER LOVED. = JE T'AI AIMÉ DE TOUTE ÉTERNITÉ. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: J. & W. Chester, 1930. 6-11p. Pl.-Nr.: J. & W. C. 2185. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Series 3, No. 5) [BWV 49/6] RummelAdaptations 3 5 1930 11p
20. Rummel, Walter (arr.)CHORAL-OUVERTÜRE: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT! / J. S. BACH = O GOD, MERCIFUL GOD. = O DIEU, O JUSTE DIEU. Adapted by W. RUMMEL. - London: J. & W. Chester, 1930. [5]-10p. Pl.-Nr.: J. & W. C. 2186. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach. Series 3, No. 6) [BWV 94/1] RummelAdaptations 3 6 1930 10p
21. Rummel, Walter (arr.)ESURIENTES IMPLEVIT BONIS (MAGNIFICAT) / J. S. BACH Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: J. & W. Chester, 1930. 3-6p. Pl.-Nr.: J. & W. C. 2187. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach, Series 3, No. 7) [BWV 243/9] RummelAdaptations 3 7 1930 6p
22. Rummel, Walter (arr.)CHORAL FINALE: GELOBET SEI MEIN GOTT IN ALLE EWIGKEIT / J. S. BACH = Praise be to God in all eternity = Dieu soit loué en toute eternité. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: J. & W. Chester, c.1938. [i] (preface for the series dated '1927'), [ii] (preface for the piece dated '1930'), [1]-6p. Pl.-Nr.: J.W.C.2251. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach, Series 4, No. 1) [BWV 129/5] RummelAdaptations 4 1 1938 6p
23. Rummel, Walter (arr.)ARIE: DIE SEELE RUHT IN JESU HÄNDEN / J. S. BACH = The soul reposes in the hands of the Lord. = L'ame repose dans les mains du seigneur. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: J. & W. Chester, c.1938. [i] (preface for the series dated '1927'), [ii] (preface for the piece dated '1930'), [1]-6p. Pl.-Nr.: J.W.C. 2252. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach, Series 4, No. 2) [BWV 127/3] RummelAdaptations 4 2 1938 6p
24. Rummel, Walter (arr.)MICHAELIS OVERTURE: HERR GOTT, DICH LOBEN ALLE WIR / J. S. BACH = Lord, we all praise Thee. = Seigneur nous te louons tous. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: J. & W. Chester, c.1938. [1] (Preface, fr-en-gr, dated '1930'), 2-12p. Pl.-Nr.: J.W.C. 2253. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach, Series 4, No. 3) [BWV 130/1] RummelAdaptations 4 3 1938 12p
25. Rummel, Walter (arr.)CHORAL PRELUDE: VOM HIMMEL HOCH DE KOMM' ICH HER / J. S. BACH = From Heaven high I come to thee. = Du Ciel lointain je viens vers toi. Adapted by WALTER RUMMEL. - London: J. & W. Chester, c.1938. [1] (Preface, fr-en-gr, dated '1930'), 2-3p. Pl.-Nr.: J. W. C. 2254. (= Walter Rummel Adaptations. J. S. Bach, Series 4, No. 4) [BWV 248/23] RummelAdaptations 4 4 1938 3p

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