Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^NYMWorld$
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Generalities. Sebastian Bach's wig. Rubini. Rachel. Lablache and Russian gold. 'Home, Sweet Home'. NYMWorld 9 2 [163] 13 May 1854 13
2. Sheet music critically selected. Wm. C. Peters & Sons, Cin. [Fugue for the organ by John Sebastian Bach]. NYMWorld 9 13 [174] 29 Jul 1854 151
3. Stories about Mozart. Mozart on a journey [Orchestral rehearsal in Leipzig]. Mozart's organ playing, etc. [Influence of examination of Bach's manuscripts at St. Thomas's Church]. Power of extempore composition [Two canons composed for Doles]. Mozart on church music. Mozart and the piano tuner. NYMWorld 9 23 [173] 22 Jul 1854 134-135
4. Musical monarchs (Continued from No. 182. From the 'London Musical Transcript'). Frederick the Great [Agricola, Reichardt, Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach]. NYMWorld 10 8 [186] 21 Oct 1854 92-93
5. The 'Thomas School' of Leipzig [Musical instruction]. Sebastian Bach's last journey. NYMWorld 15 283 30 Aug 1856 400-403
6. Originality. [Means of achieving individuality in music; examples from Handel and Bach] NYMWorld 17 307 14 Feb 1857 97-98
7. John Sebastian Bach (From a lecture on music, delivered in 1836, at the Islington Literary and Scientific Institution). [Survey of works and biographical sketch] NYMWorld 17 314 4 Apr 1857 215-216
8. Mason and Thomas' last matinee. [Union Square: J. S. Bach, Chaconne for the unaccompanied violin; Theodore Thomas. Schumann, Pianoforte Quintet in E flat major, op. 44; Mason, Thomas, Mosenthal, Matzka, Bergmann] [BWV 1004/5] NYMWorld 19 17 [369] 24 Apr 1858 260
9. Mason & Thomas's fifth matinee. [Schumann, Quartet in F major, op. 41, no. 2; Thomas Mosenthal, Matzka and Bergmann. Beethoven, Grand Sonata, op. 47, for piano and violin; Mason and Thomas. J. S. Bach, Triple concerto, for three pianos; Scharfenberg, Timm, Mason, Thomas, Mosenthal, Matzka, Bergmann and Preusser] NYMWorld 19 17 [369] 24 Apr 1858 260
10. Mason and Thomas's matinee. [Schumann, Quartette in A major; Thomas, Mosenthal, Matzka and Bergmann. Beethoven, Sonata for violoncello and pianoforte; Mason and Bergmann. Bach, Chaconne for violin unaccompanied; Thomas. Schubert, Pianoforte Trio in B flat major] [BWV 1004/5] NYMWorld 20 23 [401] 4 Dec 1858 770-771
11. Exhibition of the musical magic lantern. New and much improved edition (For 'The Musical World'. Continued from last week). [Poetic excerpts associated with famous musicians and authors. To be continued] W. A. King. T. Handel. Chevalier Gluck. W. A. Mozart. W. R. Dempster. J. S. Bach. Th. Oesten. J. F. Taunt. Jenny Lind. J. M. Sayles. Anna J. Dyott. Carl Breusing. Professor T. Wood. Mrs. Julia L. Bodstein. Mademoiselle Dardier. George Doelker. V. C. Taylor. S. Brainard. Mr. Aptommas. Hector Berlioz. Miss Mary Crandal. James F. Hall. Ch. E. Herring [organist]. F. Mannsfield. Manuel Fenollosa. H. Rosellen. Miss Annie Kemp. Signor Bernardi. H. C. Lunn [writer]. S. B. Driggs. Philippe Henle. A. Gathy. Henry Herz. NYMWorld 21 1 [405] 1 Jan 1859 1-2
12. Bach and Handel. [Comparison; extracts from Forkel's biography] NYMWorld 22 5 [427] 4 Jun 1859 5-6
13. Early development of musical genius. [Examples of childhood inclination toward music in the lives of Purcell, Handel, Bach and Mozart (From 'Chamber's Journal')] NYMWorld 25 10 [484] 7 Jul 1860 5-6
14. Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. On his 57th Birthday, February 3rd, 1866. Translated anonymously from the original German edition in Daheim 2 (1866): 373ff. NYMWorld 31 12, 19 May 1866

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