Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^MWorld$
Year : 1840
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. The New Organ for Exeter Hall. Musical Intelligence. Metropolitan. [Mr Thomas Adams performed Three Fugues in various styles by Seb. Bach; part of the first Motett] MWorld 13 198 (NS.6/105) 2 Jan 1840 8-9
2. The New Organ erected in Exeter Hall, for the performance of the Choral Society, was exhibited to a large audience, on Thursday evening last, ... Musical Intelligence. Metropolitan. [Mr Thomas Adams performed Fugue by Sebastian Bach.] MWorld 13 202 (NS.6/109) 30 Jan 1840 73
3. John Sebastian Bach. [Compositional skill praised 'par excellence' ('Morning Chronicle')] MWorld 13 208 (NS.6/115) 12 Mar 1840 156-157
4. Organ Performance. John Gray, Organ Builder, Has the honour to announce to his Musical Friends that he has completed an ORGAN of the First Class for the New Church at Thonbridge Wells, and that Mr. ADAMS has kindly consented to exhibit its powers on MONDAY evening next, the 20th inst., at seven o'clock, ... [Fugue and Chorus from a Motett by S. Bach.] MWorld 13 210 (NS.6/117) 26 Mar 1840 199
5. Tonbridge Wells. -- Organ Performance. Musical Intelligence. Provincial. [recently built by Gray, performed by Mr. George Cooper, Prelude and fugue by S. Bach.] MWorld 13 213 (NS.6/120) 16 Apr 1840 245
6. The Ancient Concerts. Musical Intelligence. Metropolitan. [at the Hanover-square Rooms, Wed evening; Chorus--O sing praises (fugue) by Sebastian Bach.] MWorld 13 216 (NS.6/123) 7 May 1840 288
7. Ancient Concerts. Musical Intelligence. Metropolitan. [sixth performance, directed by Lord Howe, conducted by Mr Turle. -- Solo (Miss Woodyatt) and chorus--Hear what God. S. Bach; ... Song--(Mme. Nau)--Confusa abbandonata--[J.C.] Bach.] MWorld 13 217 (NS.6/124) 14 May 1840 303
8. Mr. Potter's Concert. Musical Intelligence. Metropolitan. [a pedal fugue in G, of S. Bach, with Sig. Dragonetti, who played the pedal part on the double bass; this is a mistake which should not, and, it is to be hoped, will not again take place. The 'veteran Drago,' to use the expression of amateurs who encore this remarkable exhibition, has a surprising command of his instrument, but he cannot make it a pianoforte, and without a similar quality of tone between the pedal part and the manuals, the performance of these fugues cannot produce the effect intended by the author, and must step over the bridge between the sublime and ridiculous.] MWorld 13 221 (NS.6/129) 18 Jun 1840 337-338
9. Modesty of John Sebastian Bach. [anecdote] Musical Intelligence. Miscellaneous. MWorld 14 226 (NS.7/134) 23 Jul 1840 61-62
10. Observations on the term 'playing at sight' [Opinions of J.-J. Rousseau, Grétry, Lamotte (violinist), Garrat (singer), Sebastian Bach] MWorld 14 241 (NS.7/139) 27 Aug 1840 136-138
11. [Frequently used Fugue subjects] Musical Coincidences. To the Editor of the Musical World. [BWV 878/2 in Handel's 'Round about the starry throne' as a second subject; in Mozart's Jupiter Symphony; in the fugue in C, 'Davide Penitente' in a fugue by Crotch on Battishall's chant in E.] MWorld 14 242 (NS.7/140) 3 Sep 1840 151

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita