Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Series : ^MTimes$
Year : 1936
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Einstein, AlfredMozart's Four String Trio Preludes to Fugues of Bach. MTimes 77 1117 Mar 1936 209-216
2. Robson, R. WalkerAn Intruded Fortissimo in Bach. MTimes 77 1118 Apr 1936 349
3. Dickson, J. Douglas H.Bach's 'Trauer-Ode' and B minor Mass. MTimes 77 1119 May 1936 446
4. Whittaker, William GilliesA Pilgrimage through the Church Cantatas of J. S. Bach. MTimes 77 1119, 1120, 1121 May, June, Jul 1936 401-404; 501-504, 603-607
5. 'The Art of Fugue'. MTimes 77 1121 Jul 1936 612-613
6. H. S.Bach Organs [at Stöntzsch and Störmthal] Restored. MTimes 77 1121 Jul 1936 641
7. Blandford, W. F. H.Bach's Horn Parts. MTimes 77 1122 Aug 1936 748-750
8. Whittaker, William GilliesBach, Handel, and Robinson. MTimes 77 1123 Sep 1936 787-793
9. Anderson, Robert B.Bach in Newcastle-on-Tyne. MTimes 77 1123 1936 834
10. Robinson, PercyBach, Handel, and Robinson: A Reply. MTimes 77 1125 Nov 1936 982-987

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita