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TypeListTitle[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Since Thou from death hast risen again = Am i Ti ddod i'r lan o'r Bedd (Weil du vom Tod erstanden bist): the concluding part of the final chorus of Church cantata no.15 'Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Hölle lassen' / [Johann Ludwig Bach] arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1927. 6p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 1) [BWV 15/5 / Anh. III 157/5] ExtendedChorales 1 1927 6p
2. Awake us, Lord, and hasten = Bywhâ ni, Iôr tragywydd (Ertödt uns durch dein' Gute); the closing number of Church Cantata no.22 arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1927. 9p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 2) [BWV 22/5] ExtendedChorales 2 1927 9p
3. O ever-faithful God = O fythol-ffyddlon Dduw (O Gott, du frommer Gott): the closing number of Church cantata no.24, Ein ungefärbt Gemüthe / [J.S. Bach] arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1927. 7p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 3) [BWV 24/6] ExtendedChorales 3 1927 7p
4. Thine is alone the glory = Ti'n unig biau'r moliant (Dein ist allein die Ehre). Chorale: the final number of church cantata no.41, 'Jesu, nun sei gepreiset', for the Feast of the Circumcision (New Year's Day) (c.1736) arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1927. 8p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 4) [BWV 41/6] ExtendedChorales 4 1927 8p
5. O Lord Thou God of truth = O Dduw gwirionedd glân (O grosser Gott der Treu): the closing number of Church Cantata no.46 arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1927. 6p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 5) [BWV 46/6] ExtendedChorales 5 1927 6p
6. Lord, in thy love = Duw, yn dy ras (Es woll' uns Gott genädig sein) from church cantata no.76 (Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes) for second Sunday after Trinity, 1723 arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1927. 17p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 6) [BWV 76/7] ExtendedChorales 6 1927 17p
7. Content, my God = O'm bodd, fy Nuw (Ei nun, mein Gott) from Church Cantata no.92 'Ich hab' in Gottes Herz und Sinn' for Septuagesima Sunday (c.1740). arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1927. 10p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 8) [BWV 92/7] ExtendedChorales 8 1927 10p
8. What God doth, that alone is right = A wnelo'r Arglwydd, cyfiawn yw (Was Gott thut, das ist wohlgethan): from Church Cantata no.100. arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1927. 5p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 9) [BWV 100/6] ExtendedChorales 9 1927 5p
9. Now I know that Thou art loving = 'Nawr mi wn mai cariad ydwyt (Nun, ich weiss, du wirst mir stillen): the final chorus of Church Cantata no.105 arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1929. 4p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 10) [BWV 105/6] ExtendedChorales 10 1929 4p
10. So let me sing God's praises = Rhof glod i Dduw gan hynny (Herr, gieb, dass ich dein' Ehre): the final chorus of Church Cantata no.107, 'Was willst du dich betru?ben', for the seventh Sunday after Trinity (c.1735). arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1929. 6p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 11) [BWV 107/7] ExtendedChorales 11 1929 6p
11. With praises unto God = Mae llysoedd Nef yn llawn (Dem wir das Heilig itzt): the final chorus of Church Cantata no.129. arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1929. 5p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 12) [BWV 129/5] ExtendedChorales 12 1929 5p
12. Alleluja! = Haleliwia: The final chorus of church cantata No. 142 / Bach [Kuhnau?] arr. [for SATB chorus and organ/piano accompaniment] & ed. W. G. Whittaker. Welsh version by R. Williams Parry & E. T. Davies. English text by C. S. Terry. - London: Oxford University Press, 1929. 5p. (= Bach's extended chorales, 13) [BWV 142 (Anh. II)] ExtendedChorales 13 1929 5p
13. Jesu, Joy of man's desiring = Iesu, drud ddifyrrwch dynion (Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe) from Church cantata no.147 Herz und Mund und That und Leben / [J.S. Bach] arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1929. 8p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 14) [BWV 147/6] ExtendedChorales 14 1929 8p
14. All glory, thanks, and blessing = Gogoniant ac anrhydedd (Sei lob und Preis mit Ehren): the final chorus of Church Cantata no.92 arranged [for SATB chorus and organ/piano accompaniment] and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1929. 11p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 15) [BWV 92/9] ExtendedChorales 15 1929 11p
15. Our foes press on us far wide = Mae grym gelynion ar bob tu (Augspreeen sie den Rachen weit): the fifth movement from Church Cantata no.178 arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1929. 7p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 16) [BWV 178/5] ExtendedChorales 16 1929 7p
16. To God give thanks and praise = Cydgenwch 'Iddo ef' (Nun danket Alle Gott): closing number of Church Cantata no.79 arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1927. 8p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 17) [BWV 79/6] ExtendedChorales 17 1927 8p
17. Lord, we give praise to Thee = Ti, Iôr a folwn ni (Herr Gott, dich loben wri): the second movement of Church Cantata no.190 arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1929. 5p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 18) [BWV 190/2] ExtendedChorales 18 1929 5p
18. Why art cast down within me? = Pa ofn yw hwn, fy nghalon (Was willst du dich betrüben): the first chorus of Church Cantata no.107 arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1929. 7p. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 19) [BWV 107/7] ExtendedChorales 19 1929 7p
19. Who hopes in God = Yr hwn obeithia (Wer hofft in Gott); the final chorus of Church Cantata no.109 arranged and edited by W. G. Whittaker; English words by C. S. Terry; Welsh version by R. Williams Parry and E. T. Davies. - London: Oxford University Press, 1929. (= Bach's Extended Chorales, 20) [BWV 109/6] ExtendedChorales 20 1929 16p

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