Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Series : ^BachNotesLBS$
Year : 2007
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. London Bach Society's Bachfest'07 11-20 November. LBS completes Diamond Jubilee Year. Bachfest Preview; At the Dutch Church in London - 11 November; At the Warehouse - 13 November (not open to the public) [special schools project 'Dancing 2 Bach']; At the Priory Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Great - 14 November; At Handel's Parish Church - St. George's Hanover Sq - 20 November. BachNotesLBS Sep 2007 [1-2]
2. [Bach in Arnstadt.] BachNotesLBS Mar 2007 [1]
3. Margaret Steinitz awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. BachNotesLBS Mar 2007 [2]
4. JSB - an 'icon' for the 21st century? Thoughts on the 'Glyndebourne St. Matthew'. Glyndebourne's St. Matthew; The traditional approach; Bach's St. Matthew at Leipzig; A 'high-Jack' to be avoided?; Your view? BachNotesLBS Sep 2007 [3-4]
5. London Bach Society's Bachfest. Elodie Kimmel wins 1st LBS Bachfest Prize; SBP shines for the Singers; Belmont International celebrates its 10th anniversary sponsorship. BachNotesLBS Mar 2007 [3]
6. LBS joins Youthbridge Dancing to Bach -- a Bachfest'06 retro. BachNotesLBS Mar 2007 [4]
7. Bach Network UK -- latest report: New Directions in Bach Studies: Second J S Bach Dialogue Meeting [9-10 December 2006 in Oxford] BachNotesLBS Mar 2007 [5]
8. New Discoveries found at Weimar: Earliest Music Manuscripts written in Bach's own hand recently unearthed. BachNotesLBS Mar 2007 [6]
9. Forum Thomanum. BachNotesLBS Mar 2007 [6]

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita