Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Series : ^Bach$
Year : 1970
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. J. S. Bach in the Year of the Moon. Bach 1 1 Winter 1970 3-5
2. The Original Titles of Bachs Works. Bach 1 1 Winter 1970 5-14
3. Bach Form: Ground Plans by the Late Professor Hans T. David. Aria mit 30 Variationen (Goldberg Variations) -- J. S. Bach [1742]. Bach 1 1 Winter 1970 15-16
4. Riemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings [Part I]. Bach 1 1 Winter 1970 17-18
5. Questions to The Editor [Part I]. Bach 1 1 Winter 1970 19-22
6. Bach Adds a Tempo Mark? Bach 1 2 Apr 1970 3-5
7. Bach's Problems and Artistic Creed. Bach 1 2 Apr 1970 6-13
8. Bach Form -- A Letter and Ground-Plan. Bach 1 2 Apr 1970 14-17
9. Riemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings [Part II]. Bach 1 2 Apr 1970 17-20
10. Questions to the editor [Part II]. Bach 1 2 Apr 1970 21-25
11. Translation from Gerber's Historischbiographisches Lexikon der Tonkünstler (1790). [Part I]. Bach 1 2 Apr 1970 26-30
12. Butter, Guns, and Bach? Bach 1 3 Jul 1970 3-4
13. The art of the Fugue. Bach 1 3 Jul 1970 5-21
14. J. S. Bach and the Bay Psalm Book. Bach 1 3 Jul 1970 22-24
15. Hans Theodore David: 'A Portrait in Outline'. Bach 1 3 Jul 1970 25-29
16. Translation from Gerber's Neues Historisch-biographisches Lexikon der Tonkünstler (1812). [Part II]. Bach 1 3 Jul 1970 30-40
17. Riemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 1 3 Jul 1970 41-44
18. Questions to the Editor. [Part III]. Bach 1 3 Jul 1970 45-47
19. Beethoven and Bach. Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 4-5
20. Beethoven on Bach. Excerpts from Letters. Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 6-8
21. Toward a New Image of Bach. [Part I.] Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 9-27
22. Structures of Some Composite Works of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 28-30
23. Litterae ab musicis. Hans David Disclaims the Authenticity of a 'Bach Holograph'. Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 31-32
24. Riemenschneider Bach Library Vault Holdings. Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 33-34
25. Questions to the Editor. [Part IV.] Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 35-40
26. Translation from Die wahren Grundsätze zum Gebrauch der Harmonie Johann Philipp Kirnberger, 1773 [excerpts]. Bach 1 4 Oct 1970 41-46

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita