Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^Bach$
Year : 1995
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Emans, ReinmarStylistic Analysis and Text Philology in the Service of 'Inner Chronology' involving Stylistic Analysis of Selected Arias by Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach 26 1-2 1995 1-14
2. Emans, ReinmarStilkritik und Textphilologie im Dienste der 'inneren Chronologie'. Stilkritische Untersuchungen zu ausgewählten Arien Johann Sebastian Bachs. Bach 26 1-2 1995 15-27
3. Smithers, Don L.The Original Circumstances in the Performance of Bach's Leipzig Church Cantatas, 'Wegen seiner Sonn- und Festtägigen Amts-Verrichtungen'. Bach 26 1-2 1995 28-47
4. Schenkman, WalterBach and the Beer Fiddlers. Bach 26 1-2 1995 48-56
5. Harmon, ThomasThe Mühlhausen Organ Revisited. Precious Clues to Bach's Preference in Organ Design and Registration. Bach 26 1-2 1995 57-69
6. Noehren, RobertNotes on Bach and the Organ of his Time. Bach 26 1-2 1995 70-83
7. Brown, Emily FreemanZarathustra. Reflection of the Baroque Overture. Bach 26 1-2 1995 84-90
8. Collins, DenisMusical Terminology in the Canonic Works of Bach: An Historical Context. Bach 26 1-2 1995 91-101

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita