Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^Bach$
Year : 1988
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Wolff, ChristophMusical Forms and Dramatic Structure in Bach's St. Matthew Passion. Bach 19 1 1988 6-20
2. Schildkret, DavidToward a Correct Performance of Fermatas in Bach's Chorales. Bach 19 1 1988 21-27
3. Ebert, Robert R.A Comparison of the Prices of Organs in Bach's Time and the 1980's. Bach 19 1 1988 28-45
4. Getz, Christine SuzanneA Telemann Concerto for Violin and Strings?: Some Hints on the Reconstruction of an Unidentified Concerto. Bach 19 2 1988 3-24
5. [Hewlett, Walter B.]Riemenschneider Bach Institute Library. Facsimile Series: Vermehrter...Wegweiser... die Kunst die Orgel recht zu schlagen (Part V). The 1692 Wegweiser, Pages 30-48 Published in Tandem with Dr. Walter Hewlett's 1698 Translations and Explanatory Notes and Editorial Footnotes Indicating Minor Differences between the 1692 and 1698 Wegweiser Editions. Bach 19 2 1988 25-56
6. Collins, Timothy A.Gottfried Reiche: A More Complete Biography. Bach 19 3 Fall 1988 4-18
7. [Hewlett, Walter B.]Riemenschneider Bach Institute Library. Facsimile Series: Vermehrter...Wegweiser... die Kust die Orgel recht zu schlagen. The 1692 Wegweiser, Pages 41-48 Published in Tandem with Dr. Walter Hewlett's 1698 Translations and Explanatory Notes and Editorial Footnotes Indicating Minor Differences between the 1692 and 1698 Wegweiser Editions Together with Dr. Hewlett's Translation of Carissimi's Ars Cantandi, 1696 Edition (Published with the 1698 Wegweiser) Bach 19 3 Fall 1988 19-74

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita