Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^Bach$
Year : 1985
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Mann, AlfredMissa Brevis and Historia: Bach's A-Major Mass. Bach 16 1 Jan 1985 6-11
2. Herz, GerhardToward a New Image of Bach. Bach 16 1 Jan 1985 12-52
3. Dürr, AlfredThe Historical Background of the Composition of Johann Sebastian Bach's Clavier Suite, Part I. Bach 16 1 Jan 1985 53-58
4. Dürr, AlfredThe Historical Background of the Composition of Johann Sebastian Bach's Clavier Suite, Part II. Bach 16 1 Jan 1985 59-68
5. Noehren, RobertNotes on Bach and the organ of his Time. Bach 16 1 Jan 1985 69-80
6. Rilling, HelmuthBach's Significance. Bach 16 3 Jul 1985 2-16
7. Brokaw, James A., IIRecent Research on the Sources and Genesis of Bach's Well-tempered Clavier, Book II. Bach 16 3 Jul 1985 17-35
8. Ebert, Robert R.Thalers, Patrons, and commerce -- A Glimpse at the Economy in the Times of J. S. Bach. Bach 16 3 Jul 1985 37-54
9. Leaver, Robin A.Heinrich Schütz as a Biblical Interpreter. Bach 16 4 Oct 1985 4-8
10. Radice, Mark A.Heinrich Schütz and the Foundations of the Stile Recitativo in Germany. Bach 16 4 Oct 1985 9-23
11. Leaver, Robin A.List of the Settings of Bible Texts in the Works of Heinrich Schütz. Bach 16 4 Oct 1985 24-31
12. Leaver, Robin A.Schütz and the Psalms. Bach 16 4 Oct 1985 34-48

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita