Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^Bach$
Year : 1975
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Leaver, Robin A.The Libretto of Bach's Cantata No. 79: A Conjecture. Bach 6 1 Jan 1975 3-11
2. Radice, Mark A.An Inventory of Bach's Musical Offering. Bach 6 1 Jan 1975 12-16
3. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part III, The Trill. Bach 6 1 Jan 1975 24-35
4. Noehren, RobertNotes on Bach and the Organ of his Time. Bach 6 2 Apr 1975 3-14
5. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part IV, The Appoggiatura. Bach 6 2 Apr 1975 27-40
6. Schenkman, WalterThe Establishment of Tempo in Bach's Goldberg Variations. Bach 6 3 Jul 1975 3-10
7. Hirsch, ArturNumber Symbolism in Bach's First Cantata Cycle: 1723-1724 -- Part I. Bach 6 3 Jul 1975 11-19
8. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part V, Acciaccaturas and Broken Chords. Part VI, Mordents and Inverted Mordents. Bach 6 3 Jul 1975 20-35
9. Leaver, Robin A.Bach's Understanding and Use of the Epistles and Gospels of the Church Year. Bach 6 4 Oct 1975 4-13
10. Hirsch, ArturNumber Symbolism in Bach's First Cantata Cycle: 1723-1724 -- Part II. Bach 6 4 Oct 1975 14-19
11. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Embellishments, Part VII, The Turn and the Slide. Part VIII, Compound Ornaments. Part IX, Additional Remarks. Bach 6 4 Oct 1975 23-29

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita