Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^BCJ$
Year : 1994
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Rutsu Hakushi no Koraru Dangi. Dai-7-Wa: 'Kyokaireki'. BCJ 11 Feb 1994
2. [Programme note for BWV 127, 159, 182] BCJ 11 Feb 1994
3. Program Note: 'Matai Junankyoku' BWV 244 BCJ 12 Apr 1994
4. Rutsu Hakushi no Koraru Dangi. Dai-9-Wa. BCJ 12 Apr 1994
5. Mendelssohn ni yoru 'Matai Junankyoku' Saien. BCJ 12 Apr 1994
6. Matai Junankyoku no Boto no Gasshokyoku ni tsuite -- Sugikoshi no Matsuri to Yo no Tsumi o ou Kami no Kohitsuji. BCJ 12 Apr 1994
7. 'Schütz to Schein no Yube' ni yosete. BCJ 13 May 1994
8. Interview: Suzuki Masaaki. Ongaku wa motto Senmonka subeki to kangaete imasu. BCJ 13 May 1994
9. Programme Note. [BWV 1067, 178, 136, 45] BCJ 14 Jun 1994
10. Zadankai: Gasshodan no Yoru wa fukete. Kimochi wa Danzen Sekai e mukattemasu. BCJ 14 Jun 1994
11. Leipzig Jidai no Kantata Orchestra. BCJ 14 Jun 1994
12. Bach no Kantata no Text: 'Rudolstadt Kashihon' o Chushin ni. BCJ 15 Oct 1994
13. Interview: Concert master Kandan no Maki. Keiken no tsumikasane, Ishiki no Henka ga, ima, Kogakki Ensemble no Suijun o dondon agete imasu. BCJ 15 Oct 1994
14. [Programme note for BWV 47, 187, 1043, 102] BCJ 15 Oct 1994
15. Magnificat -- Maria no Homeuta. BCJ 16 Dec 1994
16. Schütz no 'Dabide Shihen Kyokushu' to 'Christmas Monogatari' -- Itaria kara mananda mono. BCJ 16 Dec 1994
17. Kantata - Kokoro no Yorokobi. Interview: Cherisuto Suzuki Hidemi san no Maki. BCJ 16 Dec 1994

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita