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Series : ^[ce]MendelssohnHisWorld$
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. The Aesthetics of Assimilation and Affirmation: Reconstructing the Career of Felix Mendelssohn. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 5-42
2. Some Notes on an Anthem by Mendelssohn. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 43-64
3. Mendelssohn and the Berlin Singakademie: The composer at the crossroads. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 65-85
4. The Power of Class: Fanny Hensel. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 86-99
5. Samplings. In memory of Professor Felix Gilbert. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 100-120
6. Elijah, Johann Sebastian Bach, and the New Covenant: On the Aria 'Es ist genug' in Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's Oratorio Elijah. Trans. by Susan Gillespie. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 121-136
7. The Incidental Politics to Mendelssohn's Antigone. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 137-157
8. The Unfinished Mendelssohn. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 158-184
9. Conversations with Felix Mendelssohn. Trans. by Susan Gillespie. - Source: Fliegende Blätter für die Musik 1, no.5 (1855), 280-296. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 187-205
10. From the Memoirs of Adolf Bernhard Marx. Trans. by Susan Gillespie. - Source: Adolf Bernhard Marx, Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben (Berlin, 1865), vol.1, pp.110-117, 131-144; vol.2, pp.229-238. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 206-220
11. Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Trans. by Susan Gillespie. - Source: Julius Schubring, 'Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. On his 57th Birthday, February 3rd, 1866', in: [New York?] Musical World 31 (12 and 19 May 1866). Translated anonymously from the original German edition in Daheim 2 (1866): 373ff. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 221-236
12. Reminiscences of Mendelssohn by His English Pupil. Source: Dwight's Journal of Music 32 (1872), 345ff., 353ff., 361ff. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 237-251
13. From the Memoirs of F. Max Müller. F. Max Müller, Auld Lang Syne (New York, 1898), pp.1-33. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 252-258
14. From the Memoirs of Ernst Rudorff. Translated and annotated by Nancy B. Reich. - Source: Ernst Rudorff, Aus den Tagen der Romantik: Ein Bildnis einer deutschen Familie (typescript; Rudorff-Archiv, Lauenstein). [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 259-271
15. Letters from Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy to Aloys Fuchs. Trans. by Susan Gillespie. - Source: Eduard Hanslick, 'Briefe von Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy an Aloys Fuchs, mit Einleitung von Eduard Hanslick,' in Deutsche Rundschau 57 (1888), 65-85. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 275-309
16. Mendelssohn as Teacher, with Previously Unpublished Letters from Mendelssohn to Wilhelm v. Boguslawski. Trans. by Susan Gillespie. - Source: Bruno Hake, 'Mendelssohn als Lehrer, mit bisher ungedruckten Briefen Mendelssohns an Wilhelm v. Boguslawski,' in Deutsche Rundschau 140 (1909), 453-470. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 310-337
17. Robert Schumann with Reference to Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and the Development of Modern Music in General. Trans. by Susan Gillespie. - Source: Franz Brendel, 'Robert Schumann mit Rücksicht auf Mendelssohn-Bartholdy und die Entwicklung der modernen Tonkunst überhaupt,' in NZfM 22 (1845); 113-115, 146-147, 149-150. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 341-351
18. Heinrich Heine on Mendelssohn. - Selected and introduced by Leon Botstein. Trans. by Susan Gillespie. - Source: Heinrich Heine, Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen, vol.4, pp.613-616; idem., Letter to Ferdinand Lassalle, in Briefe, ed. Friedrich Hirth (Mainz, 1950), vol.3, pp.50-51; idem., Lutetia. Reports on Politics, Art, and Popular Life, in Sämtliche Schriften (Munich, 1984), vol.5, pp.396-400, 528-530. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 352-363
19. On F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's Oratorio Elijah. Trans. by Susan Gillespie. - Source: Otto Jahn, 'Über F. Mendelssohn's Bartholdy's Oratorium Elias,' in Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung 50 (1848); col. 113-122, 137-143. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 364-381
20. On Mendelssohn and Some of His Contemporary Critics. Source: Frederick Niecks, 'On Mendelssohn and Some of His Contemporary Critics,' in Monthly Musical Record 5 (1875): 162-164. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 382-389
21. Felix Mendelssohn. Trans. by Susan Gillespie. - Source: Hans von Bülow, Briefe und Schriften (Leipzig, 1896), vol.5, pp.206-209. [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 390-394
22. Mendelssohn and His World. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1991. xiii, 401p. ISBN: 0-691-09143-9; 0-691-02715-3. - Part 1: Essays (p.5ff), Part 2: Memoirs (p.187ff), Part 3: Letters (p.275ff), Part 4: Criticism and Reception (p.341ff). [ce]MendelssohnHisWorld 1991 401p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita