Bach Bibliography
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Series : UnderstandingBach
Volume : 2
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. A Compositional Testing Ground: Arias in J. S. Bach's Weimar Church Cantatas. UnderstandingBach 12 2017 9-20
2. Formal Deviations in the First Kyrie of the B minor Mass. UnderstandingBach 12 2017 21-36
3. 'Having to perform and direct the music in the Capellmeister's stead for two whole years': Observations on How Bach Understood His Post during the 1740s. Trans. Barbara M. Reul. UnderstandingBach 12 2017 37-58
4. Creating Clarity and Contrast: A Dialogue with Rachel Podger on the Analysis and Performance of Implied Polyphony in Bach's Unaccompanied Violin Works. UnderstandingBach 12 2017 59-84
5. Evangelists of the Postmodern: Reconfigurations of Bach since 1985. UnderstandingBach 12 2017 85-107
6. Bach and Money: Sources of Salary and Supplemental Income in Leipzig from 1723 to 1750. Young Scholars' Forum. UnderstandingBach 12 2017 111-125
7. Bach's Unsung Champion: Sir Henry J. Wood. Young Scholars' Forum. UnderstandingBach 12 2017 126-132
8. Bach in Mind. UnderstandingBach 2 2007 9-18
9. A Polonaise Duet for a Professor, a King and a Merchant: On Cantatas BWV 205, 205a, 216 and 216a by Johann Sebastian Bach. UnderstandingBach 2 2007 19-36
10. Collections, bars and numbers: Analytical coincidence or Bach's design? UnderstandingBach 2 2007 37-58
11. Anna Magdalena as Bach's Copyist. UnderstandingBach 2 2007 59-76
12. 'Ihr Augen weint!' Intersubjective Tears in the Sentimental Concert Hall. UnderstandingBach 2 2007 77-94
13. Bach's Music and Newtonian Science: A Composer in Search of the Foundations of his Art. UnderstandingBach 2 2007 95-106

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BachBib Search Engine 1ctp Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita