Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^MEducatorsJ$
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Michener, James A.Bach and Sugar Beets. MEducatorsJ 25 1 Sep 1938 29, 43
2. Hume, PaulEngravers Still Make Music As J. S. Bach Did. MEducatorsJ 48 5 Apr-May 1962 82-84
3. Hughes, AllenGive Bach A Sabbatical. MEducatorsJ 56 3 Nov 1969 [64]
4. Fox, SidneyFrom Rock to Bach (Youth Music on Our Terms) MEducatorsJ 56 9 May 1970 52-55
5. Etheridge, Eugene W.To John Bach, upon First Hearing Brandenburg Concerto #3. [Poem] MEducatorsJ 59 4 Dec 1972 23
6. Cahn, Meyer E.Bach is not enough. MEducatorsJ 60 3 Nov 1973 62-65
7. Everett, Thomas G.An Interview with Peter Schickle. MEducatorsJ 62 6 Feb 1976 76-78
8. Halonen, Pamela GraingerP.D.Q. Bach: Schickele's Involvement with the Contemporary Music Project. MEducatorsJ 70 3 Nov 1983 51
9. Kennedy, William G.Positive Feed-Bach: A Motivation Game. MEducatorsJ 70 8 Apr 1984 48-49

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita