Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^DitsonEd$
Year : 1922
Show full details : ON
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Rogers, James H. (ed.)Eight little preludes and fugues for the organ / Bach. Edited by James H. Rogers. - Boston: Oliver Ditson Co., 1922. 41p. (= Ditson edition, 350) [BWV 553-560 (Anh. II)] DitsonEd 350 1922 41p
2. Goetschius, Percy (ed.)The Well-Tempered Clavichord, 48 Preludes and Fugues in two volumes ... Analytical edition by Percy Goetschius. - Boston: Oliver Ditson, [1922]. 2 vols. 119, 131p. (WTC II = Pl-Nr.: 73981-131.) (= Ditson Edition, 352-353) [BWV 846-893, based on the Czerny edition; cf. Preface, p. [ii] of v. 1.] DitsonEd 352-3 1922 119, 131p

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita