Bach Bibliography
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Author : Bartholomew, William
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH'S Six Motetts, IN SCORE, with an adaptation for the Piano forte or Organ, FOR USE AT REHEARSALS. The English Version written and adapted by W. BARTHOLOMEW. '1. Sing ye to the Lord / Psalm, 149 & 150' [BWV 225]; '2. Be not afraid / Isaiah, 41& 42.' [BWV 228]; '3. I wrestle and pray / Genesis, 32' [BWV Anh. 159]; '4. Come Jesu come' [BWV 229]; '5. Jesu King of glory / Romans, 8' [BWV 227]; '6. The Spirit also helpeth us. / Romans, 8' [BWV 226]; 'Subscribers Copy.' [Cover title: 'JOH. SEB. BACH's SIX MOTETTS.'] - London: Ewer & Co., [1850]. [ii]p (plate, lithographed portrait of Bach by S. Rosenthal), [iii] (Title-page), [v] ('List of Subscribers'), 1-143, [1-4]p (words), [5]p ('AN EXTRACT from J. J. EWER & Co.'s GENERAL CATALOGUE of Music for the Organ.'). Pl.-Descr.: Bach's Motetts. [BWV 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, Anh. 159] - repr. London: J. Alfred Novello [c.1860] 1850 143p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita