Bach Bibliography
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Series : BachPerspectives
Volume : 8
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Max number of results shown : 300
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Wolff, ChristophUnder the Spell of Opera? Bach's Oratorio Trilogy. BachPerspectives 8 2011 1-12
2. Melamed, Daniel R.Johann Sebastian Bach and Barthold Heinrich Brockes. BachPerspectives 8 2011 13-41
3. Rathey, MarkusDrama and Discourse: The Form and Function of Chorale Tropes in Bach's Oratorios. BachPerspectives 8 2011 42-68
4. Snyder, Kerala J.Oratorio on Five Afternoons: From the Lübeck Abendmusiken to Bach's Christmas Oratorio. BachPerspectives 8 2011 69-95
5. Dreyfus, LaurenceThe Triumph of 'Instrumental Melody': Aspects of Musical Poetics in Bach's St. John Passion. BachPerspectives 8 2011 96-121
6. Chafe, EricBach's Ascension Oratorio: God's Kingdoms and Their Representation. BachPerspectives 8 2011 122-145
7. Melamed, Daniel R. (ed.)J. S. Bach and the Oratorio Tradition. Edited by Daniel R. Melamed. - Urbana, Chicago and Springfield: University of Illinois Press, 2011. ix, 153p. ISBN-10 0-252-03584-4. ISBN13 978-0-252-03584-5. (= Bach Perspectives, 8) BachPerspectives 8 2011 ix, 153p

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita