Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : BachPerspectives
Volume : 2
Max number of results shown : 300
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. The Breitkopf Family and Its Role in Eighteenth-Century Music Publishing. BachPerspectives 2 1996 1-9
2. Connections between Breitkopf and J. S. Bach. BachPerspectives 2 1996 11-26
3. Church Cantatas in the Breitkopf Catalogs. BachPerspectives 2 1996 27-33
4. J. S. Bach's Vocal Works in the Breitkopf Nonthematic Catalogs of 1761 to 1836. BachPerspectives 2 1996 35-49
5. Breitkopf Attributions and Research on the Bach Family. BachPerspectives 2 1996 53-63
6. The Publications Process and Audience for C. P. E. Bach's 'Sonaten für Kenner und Liebhaber'. BachPerspectives 2 1996 65-83
7. The Breitkopf Firm's Relations with Leopold and Wolfgang Mozart. BachPerspectives 2 1996 85-103
8. On the Identification of Breitkopf's Manuscripts. BachPerspectives 2 1996 107-121
9. Identifying Breitkopf House Copies Produced by the Firm's Own Scribes: A Preliminary Survey. BachPerspectives 2 1996 123-141
10. The Magnificat Listings in the Early Breitkopf Nonthematic Catalogs. BachPerspectives 2 1996 143-156
11. Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf: The Formative Years. BachPerspectives 2 1996 159-168
12. Breitkopf's Music Trade as Reflected in the Holdings of the Sächsische Landesbibliothek. BachPerspectives 2 1996 169-179
13. The Thomasschule and the Haus 'zum Goldenen Bären': A Bach-Breitkopf Architectural Connection. BachPerspectives 2 1996 181-203
14. J. S. Bach, the Breitkopfs, and Eighteenth-Century Music Trade. BachPerspectives 2 1996 xv, 219p
15. Historical Proximity: John Wesley Visits Leipzig in 1738. BachPerspectives 12 2018 1-16
16. Dancing in Bach's Time: Sin or Permissible Pleasure? BachPerspectives 12 2018 17-35
17. A Catholic Hymnal for Use in Lutheran Leipzig: Catholisches Gesang-Buch (Leipzig, 1724). BachPerspectives 12 2018 36-62
18. Liturgical Music for a New Elector: Origins of Bach's 1733 Missa Revisited. BachPerspectives 12 2018 63-83
19. Bach's Christmas Oratorio and the Mystical Theology of Bernard of Clairvaux. BachPerspectives 12 2018 84-103
20. The Church under Persecution: Bach's Cantatas for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. BachPerspectives 12 2018 104-128
21. Music Historicism: Sara Levy and the Jewish Enlightenment. BachPerspectives 12 2018 129-151
22. Bach and the Counterpoint of Religion. BachPerspectives 12 2018 x, 157p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita