Bach Bibliography
Search Result

Here is the list of books reviewed in Journal : Strings
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Schwemer, Bettina; Woodfull-Harris, Douglas (eds.): 6 Suites a Violoncello Solo senza Basso. BWV 1007-1012. / J. S. Bach. (2000), 6 vols
Herausgegeben von / Edited by Bettina Schwemer and Douglas Woodfull-Harris, with separate volumes for a facsimile of Anna Magdalena Bach, Johann Peter Kellner, an anonymous copy of the 2nd half of the 18th century, an anonymous copy of late 18th century and the first edition issued in Paris, c1824, and a commentary. Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 2000. BA 5215 (German Edition); BA 5216 (English Edition); M-006-50571-5 (German Edition); M-006-50572-2 (English Edition). 6 vols.
Yo Tomita, 'On-line Book Review'
EarlyM xxviii/4 (Nov 2000) 660-661 (David Johnson)
Orchester(Mainz) xlix/7-8 (Jul-Aug 2001) 79-80 (Gerhard Anders)
NMz(Regensburg) l (Dec 2001-Jan 2002) 50-51 (Gerhard Darmstadt)
Concerto xviii/167 (2001) 14-15 (Thomas Synofzik)
Strings xv (2001) (Jeffrey Solow)
2. Heartz, Daniel: Music in European capitals: The galant style, 1720-1780. (2003), xxiv, 1078p
New York: W.W. Norton. 2003, xxiv, 1078p. ISBN: 0-393-05080-7; 978-0-393-05080-6.
Strings xvii/8 (May-Jun 2003) 79 (Heather K. Scott)
EarlyMReview 97 (Feb 2004) 9 (Clifford Bartlett)
MTimes cxlv (Spring 2004) 112-116 (Patricia Howard)
AdParnassum ii/3 (Apr 2004) 191-194 (Michael Talbot)
Notes lx/4 (Jun 2004) 958-961 (Mary Sue Morrow)
Goldberg 32 (Feb 2005) 12 (Brian Robins)
MEducatorsJ xcii/1 (Sep 2005) 25-26 (Ralph D. Converse)
MozartJb (2005) 307-311 (Henning Bey)
JAMSoc lix/1 (Spring 2006) 196-202 (Susan Wollenberg)
18cM iii/1 (Mar 2006) 148-153 (David Charlton)
Mf lix/4 (Oct-Dec 2006) 393-394 (Ludwig Finscher)
SaggiatoreM xiv/2 (2007) 448-451 (Raffaele Mellace)
3. Steinhardt, Arnold: Violin dreams. (2006), 255p
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. 255p. ISBN: 0-6183-6892-2.
Strings xxi/7:146 (Feb 2007) 89 (Arnold Steinhardt)
4. Geck, Martin: Johann Sebastian Bach. Life and Work. (2006), 738p
Translated from the German by John Hargraves. Foreword by Kurt Mazur. Orlando, etc.: Harcourt Inc., 2006. 738p.
NYTimes (Dec.3 2006) (William F. Buckley Jr.)
Strings xxi/8:147 (Mar 2007) 100-101 (Heaher K. Scott)
WeeklyStandard xii/23 (26 Feb 2007) (George B. Stauffer)
OrganYb xxxvii (2008) 218-219 (Peter Williams)
5. Carrington, Jerome: Trills in the Bach Cello Suites: A Handbook for Performers. (2009), xvi, 195p
Foreword by Lynn Harrell. - Norman, Okla: University of Oklahoma Press, 2009. xvi, 195p. ISBN-10: 0806140011; ISBN-13: 978-0806140018
EarlyMReview 130 (May 2009) 31 (Clifford Bartlett, Barbara Sachs)
PerformPractReview xiv (2009) (Marc Vanscheeuwijck)
Strings xxiv/5:176 (Dec 2009) 71 (Robert Battey)
Strad cxxi/1447 (Sep 2010) 112 (Jeffrey Solow)

5 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1cr Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 9 October 2008 by Yo Tomita