Bach Bibliography
Search Result

Here is the list of books reviewed in Journal : SaturdayReview
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Bodky, Erwin: The Interpretation of Bach's Keyboard Works. (1960), xi, 421p
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ.Press, Oxford Univ. Press 1960, ix, 421p - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood 1976. xi, 421p.
MOpinion lxxxiv (Dec 1960) 141-142
SaturdayReview xliii (26 Nov 1960) 48f
JResearchMEduc ix (1961) 167-169
JuilliardReview viii/2 (1961) 13
MLetters xlii/2 (Apr 1961) 158-163 (Walter Emery)
MEducatorsJ xlvii/3 (Jan 1961) 98
MReview xxii (1961) 316-324 (Roger F. T. Bullivant)
MTimes cii/1415 (Jan 1961) 31 (Walter Emery)
Notes xix/2 (Mar 1962) 255-256 (Klaus Speer)
BritishJAesth ii (1962) 82-84 (Anthony Milner)
AmerRecGuide xxix (1963) 477-480

1 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1cr Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 9 October 2008 by Yo Tomita