Bach Bibliography
Search Result

Here is the list of books reviewed in Journal : OperaMcol
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Űžak, Kiralina Iosifovna; Milka, Anatolij Pavlovič; Frid, Rafael' Zalmanovič; Rajskin, Iosif Genrihovič: Aleksandr Naumovič Dolžanskij: Sbornik statej k 100-letiű so dnâ roždeniâ. [fs]Dolzanskij100 (2008), 512p
[Aleksandr Naumovič Dolžanskij: Collection of articles on the centenary of birth] - Sankt-Peterburg: Sudarynâ, 2008. 512p.
OperaMcol 2:12 (2012) 128-134 (Elena Mihajlovna Karabanova)
Latin 2
2. Milka, Anatolij Pavlovič: 'Iskusstvo fugi' I. S. Baha: k rekonstrukcii i interpretacii. (2009), 456p
['The Art of Fugue' by J. S. Bach: to the reconstruction and interpretation] St Petersburg: Kompozitor, 2009. 456p. ISBN: 978-5-7379-0412-8.
OperaMcol 2:4 (Aug 2010) 94-106 (Alla Irmenovna Jankus; Igor' Mihajlovic Prihod'ko)
Latin 2
3. Kušnarëv, Hristofor Stepanovič: Programma kursa H.S. Kušnareva 'Polifoniâ Baha': Dve versii—dve čpohi. (2012), 175p
[An outline of H.S. Kušnarev's lecture series on J.S. Bach's polyphony: Two versions, two epochs] Sankt-Peterburg: Gosudarstvennaâ Konservatoriâ imeni N.A. Rimskogo-Korsakova, 2012. 175p.
OperaMcol 2:12 (2012) 134-143 (Igor' Mihajlovič Prihod'ko)
Latin 2

3 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1cr Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 9 October 2008 by Yo Tomita