Bach Bibliography
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Here is the list of books reviewed in Journal : JMTheory
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Dickinson, Alan Edgar Frederic: Bach's Fugal Works. (1956), 280p
With an Account of Fugue before and after Bach. London: Pitman, 1956, ix, 280p - Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press Reprint, 1979.
MTimes xcvii/1365 (Nov 1956) 580-582 (Stanley Godman)
Notes xiv/2 (Mar 1957) 261-262 (Robert Stevenson)
MLetters xxxviii/2 (Aug 1957) 194-195 (E. B.)
MReview xviii (1957) 63-65
JMTheory i/1 (Mar 1957) 105-106 (Quincy Porter)
2. Mann, Alfred: The Study of Fugue. (1958), 341p
New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers Univ.Press 1958. - London: Faber & Faber, 1960. 341p. New York W W Norton & Company., 1965. - Greenwood Press Reprint, 1981. 351p. ISBN: 0-313-22623-7. - New York: Dover Publications, 1988. 352p. ISBN: 0486254399.
JAMSoc xii/1 (1959) 78-80 (Claude V. Palisca)
JMTheory iii/2 (Nov 1959) 316-319 (Donald Loach)
MTimes ci (1960) 300 (Arthur Hutchings)
MLetters xli (1960) 283-285 (H. K. Andrews)
MReview xxii (1961) 55-61 (Roger Bullivant)
3. Berard, Wilford W.: The Eleventh and Thirteenth Partials. JMTheory 5/1 (Spring 1961), 95-107
JMTheory v/2 (Winter 1961) 334-336 (R. W. Ricks)
4. Buelow, George J. (ed.): Thorough-Bass Accompaniment According to Johann David Heinichen. (1966), xiv, 316p
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. xiv, 316p.
RevueMcol liii/1 (1967) 74-76 (Denise Launay)
JMTheory xi/2 (1967) 281-85 (Albert Cohen)
Notes xxiii/4 (1967) 730-732 (Robert Donington)
JAMSoc xxi/3 (1968) 393-396 (Bathia Churgin)
Mf xxi/3 (1968) 381-382 (Walter Reckziegel)
MLetters l/2 (Apr 1969) 314-315 (B.W.G. Rose)
MEducatorsJ lvi/8 (Apr 1970) 85-86 (Donald M. McCorkle)
5. Bank, Joannes Antonius: Tactus, Tempo and Notation in Mensural Music from the 13th to the 17th Century. (1972), 260, xi p
[PhD diss. Universiteit van Amsterdam] Amsterdam: Annie Bank, 1972. 260, xi p.
TijdschrVNedMgeschied xxiii/1 (1973) 44-48 (Carl Dahlhaus)
NRivistaMItali viii/4 (1974) 637-639 (Elena Ferrari-Barassi)
JMTheory xix/1 (1975) 154-160 (Alejandro Enrique Planchart)
Mf xxx/4 (1977) 530-531 (Wilhelm Seidel)
6. Marshall, Robert Lewis: The Compositional Process of J. S. Bach. A study of the Autograph Scores of the Vocal works. PrincetonStudM 4 (1972), xv, 271p; 189p
2 vols. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1972. xv, 271p.; 189p. ISBN: 0-691-09113-7. (= Princeton Studies in Music, 4)
AmerRecorder xiii/4 (1972) 135 (Dale Higbee)
JMTheory xvi/1-2 (Spring-Winter 1972) 220-237 (Felix Salzer)
MTimes cxiv/1562 (Apr 1973) 380-381 (Walter Emery)
Notes xxix/4 (Jun 1973) 714-716 (Gerhard Herz)
JAMSoc xxvi/3 (Autumn 1973) 483-488 (Paul Brainard)
MLetters liv/3 (Jul 1973) 362-363 (J. A. Westrup)
MQ lx/2 (Apr 1974) 275-279 (Christoph Wolff)
SvenskTidskrMf lvi/1 (1974) 77-80 (Hans Eppstein)
Mf xxviii/4 (1975) 463-466 (Alfred Dürr)
MiscelMcol ix (1977) 218-220 (Andrew D. McCredie)
7. Benade, Arthur H.: Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics. (1976), xii, 596p
New York; London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1976. xii, 596p. ISBN: 0195020308. - Ann Arbor, Mich., 1980. - New York: Dover; London: Constable, 1990. xii, 596p. ISBN: 048626484X.
JMTheory xxi/1 (1977) 177-179 (B.R. Gossick)
MLetters lviii/1 (1977) 88-89 (G.K. Woodgate)
GalpinSocJ xxx (1977) 164-166 (Philip Bate)
Notes xxxiii/4 (1977) 837-838 (Larry Rowan)
AmerRecorder xviii/1 (1977) 14-15 (Richard Sacksteder)
Mf xxxii/2 (1979) 218-220 (Jürgen Meyer)
Tibia v/1 (1980) 48-49 (Otto Steinkopf)
8. Walker, Daniel Pickering: Studies in Musical Science in the Late Renaissance. (1978), 174p
London: Warburg Institute, University of London, 1978. 174p. ISBN: 0854810560. (= Studies of the Warburg Institute, 37)
MLetters lxi/2 (Apr 1980) 190-192 (Claude V. Palisca)
JMTheory xxiv/1 (Spring 1980) 107-116 (Joseph di Giovanni)
Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences, xxx (1980) 218-219 (Jamie Croy Kassler)
IReviewAesthSociolM xii/1 (Jun 1981) 75-78 (Stanislav Tuksar)
9. Epstein, David: Beyond Orpheus: studies in musical structure. (1979), xiv, 244p
Foreword by Milton Babbitt. - Cambridge (Mass.); London: M.I.T. Press, 1979. xiv, 244p. ISBN: 0262050161. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. xiv, 244p. ISBN: 0193151502.
Notes xxxvi/2 (1979) 357-358 (Larry Stempel)
Journal of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute, iii/2 (1979) 194-202 (Jonathan Mark Dunsby)
JMTheory xxv/2 (1981) 319-325 (Arnold Whittall)
MTheorySpec iii (1981) 150-157 (Gary E. Wittlich)
TheoryPractice vi/2 (1981) 47-53 (William Rothstein)
MAnalysis ii/2 (1983) 225-227 (Jonathan Harvey)
MLetters lxix/3 (1988) 407-409 (Victor Kofi Agawu)
10. Beach, David; Thym, Jurgen (trans.): The Art of Strict Musical Composition / Johann Philipp Kirnberger. (1982), xix, 423p
Translated by David Beach and Jurgen Thym; introduction and explanatory notes by David Beach. - New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1982. xix, 423p. ISBN: 0300024835. (= Music theory translation series, 4)
MReview xliv/1 (1983) 55-56 (Malcolm Boyd)
MTheorySpec vi (1984) 100-103 (Raymond Haggh)
MLetters lxv/1 (1984) 64-65 (Philip J. Whitmore)
JMTheory xxviii/1 (1984) 124-128 (William E. Caplin)
11. Türk, Daniel Gottlob: School of Clavier Playing or Instructions in Playing the Clavier for Teachers & Students. (1982), xxxvi, 563p
Translation, introduction & notes by Raymond H. Haggh. Lincoln; London: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1982. xxxvi, 563p. ISBN: 0803223161.
MLetters lxiv/3-4 (1983) 284-285 (Philip J. Whitmore)
JALS xiv (1983) 128-129 (Maurice Hinson)
AmerRecorder xxiv/4 (1983) 159-162 (Frederick Neumann)
Notes xl/4 (1984) 773-775 (Floyd K. Grave)
JMTheory xxviii/1 (1984) 154-157 (Harald Manfred Krebs)
EarlyKeyboardJ 3 (1984-1985) 85-90 (Caroline S. Fruchtman)
12. Dahlhaus, Carl: Die Musiktheorie im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Erster Theil: Grundzüge einer Systematik. GesMtheorie(Zaminer) 10 (1984), viii, 181p
Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1989. viii, 181p. (= Geschichte der Musiktheorie, 10)
NZsfM(2) cxlvi/1 (1985) 41-42 (Rüdiger Weissbach)
ZsfMpädag x/30 (1985) 63-65 (Brunhilde Sonntag)
Musica xxxix/4 (1985) 392 (Peter Cahn)
Mtheorie i/1 (1986) 102-103 (Peter Cahn)
OMzs xli/7-8 (1986) 410-411 (Gerold Wolfgang Gruber)
LitMFineArts xix (1986) 60-62 (Erhard Karkoschka)
Mf xxxix/2 (1986) 180-181 (Rudolf Flotzinger)
Jahrbuch für Opernforschung ii (1986) 191-192 (Rudolf Flotzinger)
MTheorySpec x (1988) 127-137 (Thomas Christensen)
JMTheory xxxii/1 (1988) 41-42 (Lee Allen Rothfarb)
Muzyka xxxv/1 (1990) 80-84 (Martina Homma)
MKirche lxiii/1 (1993) 29, 32 (Wolfgang Stockmeier)
13. Zaminer, Frieder; Eggebrecht, Hans Heinrich ( Die Mittelalterliche Lehre von der Mehrstimmigkeit. GesMtheorie(Zaminer) 5 (1984), xi, 388
Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1984. ISBN: 3-534-01205-4.
Mf xl/4 (1984) 380-382 (Erich Reimer)
Jahrbuch für Opernforschung ii (1986) 191-195 (Rudolf Flotzinger)
LitMFineArts xix (1986) 60-62 (Erhard Karkoschka)
JMtheory xxxii/1 (1988) 133-147 (Lee Allen Rothfarb)
MLetters lxix/1 (1988) 57-60 (Mark Everist)
MKirche lxiii/1 (1993) 29, 32 (Wolfgang Stockmeier)
14. Lester, Joel: The Rhythms of Tonal Music. (1986), vii, 284p
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1986. viii, 284p. ISBN: 0-809-31282-4; 0809312824
JAMSoc xli/2 (1988) 382-392 (William E. Caplin)
InTheoryOnly x/5 (1988) 29-39 (William Rothstein)
JMTheory xxxiv/1 (1990) 101-107 (Robert O. Gjerdingen)
15. Benjamin, Thomas: Counterpoint in the Style of J. S. Bach. (1986), xvi, 448p
New York: Schirmer Books; London: Collier Macmillan, 1986, xvi, 448p
JMTheory xxxi/2 (Autumn 1987) 345-353 (William Thompson)
JMTheoryPedag i/2 (1987) 267-277 (Theodore O. Johnson)
MTheorySpec xv/2 (1993) 235-240 (Mary H. Wennerstrom)
16. Harrán, Don: Word-Tone Relations in Musical Thought: from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century. McolStudDoc 40 (1986), xviii, 517p
American Institute of Musicology; Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1986. xviii, 517p. ISBN: 3-7751-1070-4 (= Musicological studies & documents, 40)
Notes xliv/2 (1987) 267-269 (Peter Kivy)
EarlyM xv/3 (1987) 403-404 (David Fallows)
JMTheory xxxii/2 (1988) 357-366 (Maria Rika Maniates)
JAMSoc xlii/1 (1989) 161-172 (Bonnie J. Blackburn)
MLetters lxx/1 (1989) 78-79 (John Stevens)
NRivistaMItali xxiii/4 (1989) 600-602 (Enrico Fubini)
Muzyka xxxvii/1 (1992) 90-98 (Ryszard J. Wieczorek)
17. Houle, George L.: Meter in Music, 1600-1800: Performance, Perception, and Notation. (1987), 174p
Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press. 1987. 174p. ISBN: 0-25-333792-5. (= Music: Scholarship and performance)
AmerRecorder xxix/2 (1988) 63-65 (Peter F. Williams)
Earlym xvi/3 (1988) 423-427 (Robert Donington)
MLetters lxx/1 (1989) 93-94 (Erich Schwandt)
PerformPractReview ii/1 (Spring 1989) 89-92 (Alexander Silbiger)
Tibia xiv/3 (1989) 356 (Nikolaus Delius)
JMTheory xxxiii/1 (spring 1989) 222-227 (Eva Linfield)
18. Lester, Joel: Between Modes and Keys: German Theory, 1592-1802. HarmonolSer 3 (1989), xxv, 240p
Stuyvesant, N. Y.: Pendragon Press, 1989. xxv, 240p. ISBN: 0-918728-77-0. (= Harmonologia series, 3)
Analisi ii/4 (1991) 24-27 (Paolo Paita)
JMTheory xxxv/1-2 (1991) 267-282 (Benito V. Rivera)
Notes xlvii/4 (1991) 1103-1106 (Douglas Leedy)
JMcolResearch xii (1992) 164s-169s (Ellen S. Beebe)
MTheorySpec xv/1 (1993) 94-111 (Thomas Christensen)
19. Schenker, Heinrich: The masterwork in music: A yearbook. II (1926). CambridgeStudMTheoryAnalysis 8 (1996), xvii, 133p
Edited by William Drabkin; translated by Ian Bent ... [et al.]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xvii, 133p. ISBN: 0-521-45542-1. (= Cambridge studies in music theory and analysis, 8)
McolAustralia xx (1997) 110-111 (Michael Kassler)
JMTheory xlv/1 (2001) 162-169 (Roger Kamien)
20. Schachter, Carl; Siegel, Hedi (eds.): Schenker studies. II. [ce]SchenkerStud 2 (1999), xiii, 319p
ed. Carl Schachter and Hedi Siegel. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. xiii, 319p. ISBN: 0-521-47011-0.
Notes lvii/1 (Sep 2000) 99-101 (Jack Boss)
JMTheory xlv/2 (Fall 2001) 470-483 (James William Sobaskie)
TheoryPractice xxvii (2002) 123-131 (John P. Ferri)
21. Beach, David W.: Aspects of Unity in J. S. Bach's Partitas and Suites: An Analytical Study. EastmanStudM 33 (2005), xiii, 92p
Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2005. xiii, 92p. ISBN: 1-58046-202-2. (= Eastman studies in music, 33)
JMTheory xlix/1 (Spring 2005) 181-188 (Robert P. Morgan)
EarlyMReview 111 (Feb 2006) 33 (Clifford Bartlett)
TheoryPractice xxxii (2007) 203-212 (David Gagné)
MAnalysis xxvi/1-2 (Mar-Jul 2007) 217-245 (Matthew McDonald)
JSchenkerStud iii (2008) 159-210 (Olli Väisälä)
22. Gjerdingen, Robert O.: Music in the galant style. (2007), ix, 514p
Being an essay on various schemata characteristic of eighteenth-century music for courtly chambers, chapels, and theaters, including tasteful passages of music drawn from most excellent chapel masters in the employ of noble and noteworthy personages, said music all collected for the reader's delectation on the World Wide Web. - New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007, ix, 514p. ISBN: 0-19-531371-2; 978-0-19-531371-0.
JMTheory l/2 (Fall 2006) 277-290 (David Temperley)
TijdschrMtheorie xiii/2 (May 2008) 175-177 (Hans Aerts)
JSMI iv (2008) 101-105 (Martin Adams)
MLetters xc/3 (Aug 2009) 468-473 (W. Dean Sutcliffe)
EarlyM xxxvii/4 (Nov 2009) 669-671 (Matthew Pritchard)
JMcolResearch xxix/1 (Jan-Mar 2010) 73-79 (Donald R. Boomgaarden)
TheoryPractice xxxvi (2011) 225-235 (Paul Moravitz Sherrill)
JAMSoc lxiv/1 (Spring 2011) 244-253 (Mary Sue Morrow)

22 matches.

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Last revised on 9 October 2008 by Yo Tomita