Bach Bibliography
Search Result

Here is the list of books reviewed in Journal : JChurchM
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Terry, Charles Sanford (ed.): The Four-Part Chorals of J. S. Bach. (1929), xii, 539p
With German text of the Hymns and English Translations. Edited, with a Histrical Introduction, Notes and Critical Appendices, by Charles Sanford Terry. 5 parts. - London: Oxford University Press 1929, xii, 539p; R/1964.
MTimes lxx/1035 (May 1929) 417 (M.-D. C.)
MLetters xiv (1933) 176 (W. G. Whittaker)
JChurchM vii (1965) 14
MEducatorsJ li/6 (Jul 1965) 87 (Theodore F. Normann)
Notes xxii/4 (1966) 1307 (Catharine Keyes Miller)
2. Terry, Charles Sanford: The Music of Bach. An Introduction. (1933), 104p
London: Oxford Univ.Press, 1933. 104p. - N.Y.: Dover, 1963, 104p. - London: Constable, 1964. 104p. (Paperback)
MTimes lxxiv/1085 (Jul 1933) 608-609
AmerMTeacher xiv (1965) 29
JChurchM vii (1965) 14
Clavier iii (1964) 10
Instrumentalist xix (1964) 12
MTeacherPianoStud xliii (1964) 197
Notes xxii/2 (1965/66) 912-913 (Klaus Speer)

2 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1cr Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 9 October 2008 by Yo Tomita