Bach Bibliography
Search Result

Here is the list of books reviewed in Journal : FonoForum
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Croucher, Trevor (comp.): Early Music Discography: From Plainsong to the Sons of Bach. (1981), xviii, 273p; v, 302p
Vol. 1: Record index; Vol. 2:Composer, plainsong, anonymous work and performer indexes - London: Library Association Publishing, 1981. xviii, 273p.; v, 302p.
Brio xviii/2 (1981) 27-29 (Clifford Bartlett)
MTimes cxxiii/1673 (Jul 1982) 477 (Nicholas Kenyon)
EarlyM x/2 (Apr 1982) 245 (Eric van Tassel)
FonoForum vii (Jul 1982) 16 (Martin Elste)
Mf xxxvii/4 (1984) 299-300 (Martin Elste)
2. Geck, Martin: Bach: Leben und Werk. (2000), 798p
Reinbek: Verlag Rowohlt, 2000. 798p. ISBN: 3-498-02483-3; Paperback, 2001. 798p.
FonoForum (Juli 2000) (Ingeborg Allihn)
MÄsth iv/16 (Oct 2000) 42-50 (Peter Gülke)
Concerto xvii/11 (Nov 2000) 10-11 (Thomas Synofzik)
UbenMusizieren 4 (2000) 77 (Jakob Lustig)
MKirche lxx/3 (May-Jun 2000) (Ingeborg Allihn)
Orchester(Mainz) xlviii/11 (2000) 67-68 (Peter Gülke)
WürttembergBlKm lxvii/3 (May-Jun 2000) 5-6 (Konrad Klek)
Mtheorie xvi (2001) 274-275 (Wolfgang Lessing)
Mf lv/4 (Oct-Dec 2002) 446f (Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen)
TheolRundschau lxvii (2002) 351-376 (Alfred Dürr)
3. Peters, Manfred: Johann Sebastian Bach: Was heißt 'Klang-Rede'? MKonzepte 119 (2003), 138p
Hrsg. von Heinz-Klaus Metzger und Rainer Riehn. München: Edition Text & Kritik, 2003. 138p. ISBN: 3-88377-731-5. (= Musik-Konzepte, 119)
FonoForum vi (2003) 48 (Reinmar Emans)
Concerto xxi/192 (Apr 2004) 19-20 (Thomas Synofzik)

3 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1cr Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 9 October 2008 by Yo Tomita