Bach Bibliography
Search Result

Here is the list of books reviewed in Journal : EtudesClassiques
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Chailley, Jacques: L'Art de la fugue de J. -S. Bach. Étude critique des sources. Remise en ordre du plan. Analyse de l'œuvre. AuDelaNotes 1 (1971), 89p
Paris: Alphonse Leduc 1971. 89p, 14 Taf. 2/1976. (= Au-delà des Notes. Collection d'explications de textes musicaux, 1)
RevueMcol lviii/1 (1972) 120-121 (Helge Meinardi)
MKirche xlii/1 (1972) 22-25 (Ludwig Prautzsch)
CourrierM xxxviii (1972) 100 (Claude Chamfray)
MLetters liv/4 (Oct 1973) 497-498 (Basil Lam)
StudMcolAcadSciHungaricae xviii/1-4 (1976) 396-398 (F. András Wilhelm)
OrganYb vii (1976) 171-172 (Stephen Daw)
EtudesClassiques xlvi/1 (1978) (Joseph Legrand)
2. Smither, Howard E.: A History of the oratorio. Vol.1: The oratorio in the Baroque era. Protestant Germany and England. (1977), xxvii, 480p
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1977. xxvii, 480p. ISBN: 0807812749.
Brio xv/2 (1978) 56-57 (Clifford Bartlett)
MQ lxiv/3 (1978) 397-402 (Ellen T. Harris)
Notes xxxiv/4 (1978) 55-57 (Margaret Murata)
EtudesClassiques xlvii/1 (1979) 57 (Joseph Legrand)
MLetters lx/3 (1979) 341-345 (Winton Dean)
NRivistaMItali xiii/3 (1979) 699-703 (Lino Bianchi)
JAMSoc xxxii/2 (1979) 343-349 (Sven H. Hansell)
OMzs xxxvii/12 (1982) 716 (Theophil Antonicek)
3. Piroué, Georges: A sa seule gloire. Fragments d'une autre vie. (1981), 273p
Paris: Éditions Denoél, 1981. 273p.
EtudesClassiques li/2 (1983) 162-163 (Yves Lenoir)
4. Georgiades, Thrasybulos G.: Nennen und Erklingen. Die Zeit als Logos. [ce]Georgiades (1985), 303p
Thrasybulos G. Georgiades. Aus d. Nachlaß hrsg. von Irmgard Bengen. - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1985. 303p. ISBN: 3-525-01331-0. (= Sammlung Vandenhoeck)
MBayern 33 (1986) 156-169 (Rudolf Bockholdt)
Philosophische Rundschau xxxiv (1987) 306-313 (Günter Scholtz)
EtudesClassiques lv/4 (1987) 423 (Yves Lenoir)
MKirche lviii/4 (1988) 206-207 (Heinrich Poos)
Mf xlii/4 (1989) 371-372 (Manfred Schmid)

4 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1cr Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 9 October 2008 by Yo Tomita