Bach Bibliography
Search Result

Here is the list of books reviewed in Journal : ClavichordInternat
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Brauchli, Bernard; Galazzo, Alberto; Moody, Ivan (eds.): De Clavicordio V: Proceedings of the V International Clavichord Symposium, Magnano, 5-8 September 2001. DeClavicordio 5 (2002), 328p
Magnano: International Centre for Clavichord Studies, 2002. 328p. ISBN: 88-900269-2-8.
ArteOrganariaOrganistica ix/5 (2002) 54 (Silvia Rambaldi)
EarlyM xxxi/2 (2003) 281-283 (Howard Schott)
ClavichordInternat vii/1 (2003) 26-28 (John Collins)
OrganYb xxxii (2003) 208-209 (Peter F. Williams)
EarlyKeyboardJ xxi (2003) 85-89 (Bruce W. Glenny)
2. Troeger, Richard: Playing Bach on the Keyboard: A Practical Guide. (2003), 306p
Pompton Plains, NJ: Amadeus Press, 2003. 306p. ISBN: 1-57467-084-0.
MTimes cxlv/1887 (Summer 2004) 107-110 (Peter Williams)
ClavichordInternat viii/2 (Nov 2004) 60-61 (Francis Knights)
EarlyMAmer xi/2 (Summer 2005) 45 (Tina Chancey)
EarlyKeyboardJ xxiii (2005) 128-132 (Joyce Lindorff)
3. Speerstra, Joel: Bach and the pedal clavichord: an organist's guide. EastmanStudM 26 (2004), 280p
Foreword by Hans Davidsson. - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2004. 280p (= Eastman studies in music, 26)
BachNotesABS 2 (Fall-winter 2004) 6-7 (Lynn Edwards Butler)
AmerOrganist(2) xxxviii/11 (Nov 2004) 78-80 (Quentin Faulkner)
Orgelkrant viii/7-8 (2004)
ClavichordInternat viii/2 (Nov 2004) 60 (Francis Knights)
OrganYb xxxiii (2004) 179 (Peter Williams)
Notes lxi/3 (Mar 2005) 760-763 (Brian Doherty)
EarlyM xxxiii/1 (Feb 2005) 124-128 (John Koster)
18cM ii/2 (Sep 2005) 337-340 (Stewart Pollens)
HetOrgel cii/1 (2006) (Hans Fidom)
EarlyMReview 111 (Feb 2006) 33-34 (Clifford Bartlett)
InformOrganistica xviii/3:15 (Dec 2006) 277-279 (Massimiliano Guido)

3 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1cr Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 9 October 2008 by Yo Tomita