Bach Bibliography
Search Result

Here is the list of books reviewed in Journal : 20cM
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Holloway, Robin: Two on Bach-performances. (2003), 3-6
In: On music: Essays and diversions 1963-2003. Brinkworth: Claridge, 2003. xiii, 438p. ISBN: 1-87062-674-5; pp.3-6.
WagnerNews 160 (Feb 2004) 26-27 (Ian Beresford Gleaves)
MTimes cxlv/1886 (Spring 2004) 97-101 (Arnold Whittall)
NoviZvuk 25 (2005) 81-84 (Chris Walton)
NewSound 25 (2005) (Chris Walton)
20cM ii/1 (Mar 2005) 150-156 (Anthony Powers)
Tempo 59 (Jul 2005) 63-65 (John L. Pickard)
2. Latham, Alison; Anderson, Julian (eds.): Sing, Ariel: Essays and thoughts for Alexander Goehr's seventieth birthday. [fs]Goehr70 (2003), xxii, 369p
Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003. xxii, 369p. ISBN: 0-7546-3497-3; 978-0-7546-3497-3.
MTimes cxlv/1886 (Spring 2004) 97-101 (Arnold Whittall)
Tempo lviii/228 (Apr 2004) 42-44 (Edward Venn)
20cM iii/1 (Mar 2006) 150-154 (David Beard)
The Delian (Oct 2006) 28-29 (Bill Marsh)
MLetters lxxxix/2 (May 2008) 287-290 (Christopher Mark)
3. Manning, David (ed.): Vaughan Williams on music. [ce]VaughanWilliamsOnMusic (2008), xix, 435p
New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2008. xix, 435p. ISBN: 0-19-518239-1; 978-0-19-518239-2.
MTimes cxlix/1905 (Winter 2008) 97-102 (Arnold Whittall)
British Music Society news 119 (Sep 2008) 28 (Robert Barnett)
Notes lxv/2 (Dec 2008) 319-321 (Julian Onderdonk)
20cM vi/2 (Sep 2009) 260-264 (Ryan Ross)

3 matches.

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BachBib Search Engine 1cr Verssion 1.55 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 9 October 2008 by Yo Tomita