Bach Bibliography
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Series : diss.
Year : 2008
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TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Paech, Katharina Larissa:   Johann Pachelbels geistliche Vokalmusik. DeMusicaDisserenda 4/2 (2008), 43-64. [PWV 1101-1515]
2. Wiley, Christopher:   Re-writing composers' lives : critical historiography and musical biography. diss. (2008) PhD diss., Royal Holloway, University of London, 2008.
3. Yang, Shu-Ting:   Salute to Bach: Modern treatments of Bach-inspired elements in Luigi Dallapiccola's Quaderno musicale di Annalibera and Heitor Villa-Lobos' Bachianas brasileiras no. 4. diss. (2008), 104p. DMA diss., University of Cincinnati, 2008. 104p. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-549-49317-4. Dissertation No: 3303113.
4. Dougherty, Michael P.:   Exegesis and eisegesis: The choral composer as scriptural interpreter with special reference to settings of the Magnificat. diss. (2008), 106p. DMA diss., University of North Carolina, Greensboro, 2008. 106p. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-549-925729. Dissertation No: 3337466.
5. Cortens, Evan Philip:   The Installation Cantatas of C. P. E. Bach. diss. (2008), 124p. MMus diss., Boston University, 2008, 124p
6. Gingrich, M. Linda:   The seen and the unseen: Hidden allegorical links in the Trinity season chorale cantatas of J.S. Bach. diss. (2008), 146p. DMA diss., University of Washington, 2008. 146p. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-549-49562-8. Dissertation No: 3303284.
7. Simpson, Will M.B.:   A conductor's guide to J.S. Bach's cantata 150 'Nach Dir, Herr, Verlanget Mich'. diss. (2008), 173p. DA diss., Ball State University, 2008. 173p. - Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2008; ISBN: 978-0-549-50020-9; Dissertation No: 3303361.
8. Scholz, Anna:   J. S. Bach: Hat szvit szólócsellóra (BWV 1007–1012): Előadásmód, artikuláció. A források és a kritikai kiadások problematikája. diss. (2008), 192p. Témavezetô: Somfai László. Doktori értekezés, Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem, 2008. 192p. Latin 2
9. Molčan, Ján:   Vývoj sonátovej formy v klavírnej tvorbe romantikov prvej polovice 19. storočia (Analýza vplyvov a príčin zmien hudobného myslenia a z toho rezultujúce nároky na interpretáciu). diss. (2008), 203p. [The Progress of Sonata Form in Piano Works by Romantic Composers in the First Half of the 19th Century (Analysis of Influences and Causes of Musical Thought Changes and Following Demands to the Interpretation)] PhD thesis, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Brno. 2008. 203p Latin 2
10. Randwijck, Rutger J. C. van:   Music in Context. Four Case Studies. diss. (2008), 244p. I. Johann Sebastian Bach - Chaconne BWV 1004/5; II. Johann Sebastian Bach - Cantatas BWV 34a & 34. PhD diss., Utrecht University 2008. [viii], 244p (summary in Dutch, pp.239-244)
11. Kelly, Laura Lynn:   August Halm's Von zwei Kulturen der Musik: A translation and introductory essay. diss. (2008), 257p. PhD diss., University of Texas, Austin. 2008. 257p. - Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2008. UMI Number: 3324856; ISBN: 978-0-549-77989-6.
12. Aschauer, Mario:   Deutschsprachige Clavier-Lehrwerke in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. diss. (2008), 265p. PhD diss., Universität Wien, 2008. 265p.
13. Corduban, Mihaela-Lidia:   Le Clavier bien tempéré de Jean-Sébastien Bach: Le rôle de la rhétorique dans les stratégies compositionnelles de Bach. diss. (2008), 312p. [Das wohltemperirte Clavier by Johann Sebastian Bach: The role of rhetoric in Bach's compositional strategies] PhD diss., Université de Montréal, 2008. 312p. - Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International. UMI Number: AAT NR57747; ISBN: 978-0-494-57747-9.
14. Ceballos, Sara Gross:   Keyboard portraits: Performing character in the eighteenth century. diss. (2008), 330p. PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 2008. 330p. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-549-89981-5. Dissertation No: 3335918.
15. Mandelbaum, Karen G.:   The late keyboard rondos of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Issues of genre, form, and voice leading. diss. (2008), 373p. PhD diss., Music theory: City University of New York, Graduate Center, 2008. 373p. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2008. 399p. ISBN: 978-0-549-61036-6. Dissertation No: 3311205.
16. Scholz, Anna:   J. S. Bach: Six suites for violoncello solo (BWV 1007–1012): Performance, articulation problems of the sources and the critical editions. diss. (2008), 7p. Summary of the Doctoral Dissertation. Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem, 2008. 7p Latin 2
17. Lee, Hye Won:   The toccata and the history of touch: A pianist's survey of the symbiosis of style and performance practice of selected toccatas from Froberger to Muczynski. diss. (2008), 84p. DMA diss., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2008. 84p. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-549-57284-8. Dissertation No: 3309290.
18. So, Jeong-Hwa:   Rhetorical perspectives on the large settings on the Catechism Chorales in J.S. Bach's Clavierubung III. diss. (2008), 89p. DMA diss., University of Cincinnati, 2008. 89p. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-549-80106-1. Dissertation No: 3327172.
19. Colahan, Ellwood P.:   Metric Conflict in The Brandenburg Concertos of J. S. Bach. diss. (2008), iii, 228p. MA diss., University of Denver, 2008. iii, 228p. [BWV 1046-1051]
20. Lindner, Matthew:   Blood, Wounds and Heart-Religion: J. S. Bach Reception in Late Nineteenth-Century Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. diss. (2008), ix, 143p. MMus dissertation, Sacramento: California State University, 2008. ix, 143p
21. Weman Ericsson, Lena:   '...världens skridskotystnad före Bach': Historiskt informerad uppförandepraxis ur ett kontextuellt musikontologiskt perspektiv, belyst genom en fallstudie av Sonat i E-dur, BWV 1035, av J S Bach. diss. (2008), x, 153p. ['...the world in a skater's silence before Bach': Historically informed performance in the perspective of contextual musical ontology, illustrated through a case study of J.S. Bach's sonata in E-major, BWV 1035] PhD diss., Luleĺ Tekniska Universitet, Musikhögskolan, Luleĺ, 2008. x, 153p.
22. Weman Ericsson, Lena:   '...the world in a skater's silence before Bach': Historically Informed Performance in the Perspective of Contextual Musical Ontology, Illustrated through a Case Study of Sonata in E major, BWV 1035, by J. S. Bach. diss. (2008), xi, 176p. Trans. Josel Speerstra. - Department of Music and media/Luleĺ University of Technology, c2008. 2010. xi, 186p.
23. Boelcke, Andreas M.:   Chopin's 24 Préludes, Opus 28: A Cycle Unified by Motion between the Fifth and Sixth Scale Degrees. diss. (2008), xii, 81p. DMA diss., University of Cincinnati, 2008. xii, 81p.
24. Murphy, Michael Troy:   Performance practice of Johann Sebastian Bach's 'Passio Secundum Johannem'. A study of 25 years of recorded history (1982-2007) as influenced by events surrounding the Historically Informed Performance movement. diss. (2008), xiii, 342p. PhD diss., The Florida State University, 2008. xiii, 342p. ISBN: 978-1-109-04575-8 (AAT 3348524)
25. Chapman, David:   Thoroughbass pedagogy in nineteenth-century Viennese composition and performance practices. diss. (2008), xv, 448p. PhD diss., Ruters University, 2008. xv, 448p.

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita