Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : diss.
Year : 2005
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Connolly, Aisling:   The contribution of Dr Joseph Groocock to music education in Ireland (1935–1997). diss. (2005)
2. Van Wyk, Theodore Justin:   The Harmonische Seelenlust (1733) by G.F. Kauffmann (1679-1735): A critical study of his organ registration indications. diss. (2005)
3. Kambara, Sonoko:   Bach beyond the score: Clues to performance issues in Bach's keyboard music. diss. (2005)
4. Mikami, Tokiko:   J. S. Bach no 'Mubanso Furuto no tame no Partita I-Tancho BWV 1013' o meguru Kosatsu: 'Allemande' ni okeru Saiko-On a3 no Tokuisei o akiraka ni suru. diss. (2005)
5. Pérez Torres, René:   Bach's Mass in B Minor: An analytical study of parody movements and their function in the large-scale architectural design of the Mass. diss. (2005), 202p
6. Chang, Eun-Un:   Die Choralvorspiele zur Regerzeit: ein Beitrag zur gottesdienstlichen Orgelmusik der Spätromantik. diss. (2005), 236p
7. Burford, Mark Jon:   'The real idealism of history': Historical consciousness, commemoration, and Johannes Brahms' 'years of study'. diss. (2005), 340p
8. Crean, Elise:   The Canonic Compositions of Johann Sebastian Bach: An Examination of Their Personal and Historical Context. diss. (2005), 73p
9. Gaughan, Warren John:   An analysis of George Rochberg's Carnival music: Suite for piano solo. diss. (2005), 75p
10. Willner, Channan:   Durational Pacing in Handel's Instrumental Works: The Nature of Temporality in the Music of the High Baroque. diss. (2005), 774p
11. Yoo, Shirley S.:   Four performance editions of J.S. Bach's Well-tempered clavier: Carl Czerny, Carl Tausig, Ferruccio Busoni and Bélá Bartók. diss. (2005), iv, 116p
12. Oh, Hea-Seung:   Interpreting J. S. Bach's solo violin sonatas and partitas through Leopold Mozart, Joachim/Moser, and Galamian. diss. (2005), ix, 85p
13. Wang, Yu-Chi:   A Survey of the Unaccompanied Violin Repertoire, Centering on Works by J. S. Bach and Eugene Ysa˙e. diss. (2005), viii, 127p
14. McFarland, James Harold:   An analysis of two twentieth-century German organ compositions on the B-A-C-H motive composed by Heinz Wunderlich and Hans-Ludwig Schilling. diss. (2005), viii, 148p
15. Lee, Kayoung:   The Role of the 12/8 time signature in J. S. Bach's Sacred Vocal Music. diss. (2005), x, 196p
16. Toumpoulidis, Themistoklis D.:   Aspects of musical rhetoric in Baroque organ music. diss. (2005), x, 263p
17. Fung, Eric K.:   Johann Sebastian Bach's Overture in the French Manner, BWV 831: A Study in Motive, Harmony, and Rhythm. diss. (2005), xiii, 176p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita