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Series : [ce]MusicGermanCourts
Year : 2011
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Owens, Samantha; Reul, Barbara M.:   'Das gantze Corpus derer musicirenden Personen': An Introduction to German Hofkappellen. [ce]MusicGermanCourts (2011), 1-14.
2. Stockigt, Janice B.:   The Court of Saxony-Dresden. [ce]MusicGermanCourts (2011), 17-49.
3. Oleskiewicz, Mary (ed.):   The court of Brandenburg-Prussia. [ce]MusicGermanCourts (2011), 79-130.
4. Siegmund, Bert:   The Court of Saxony-Gotha-Altenburg. [ce]MusicGermanCourts (2011), 197-221.
5. Ruf, Wolfgang:   The Courts of Saxony-Weißenfels, Saxony-Merseburg, and Saxony-Zeitz. [ce]MusicGermanCourts (2011), 223-255.
6. Zohn, Steven:   'Die vornehmste Hof-Tugend': German Musicians' Reflections on Eighteenth-Century Court Life. [ce]MusicGermanCourts (2011), 413-425.
7. Owens, Samantha; Reul, Barbara M.; Stockigt, Janice B. (eds.):   Music at German courts, 1715-1760: Changing artistic priorities. Woodbridge: Boydell, 2011. xx, 484p. ISBN: 1-84383-598-3; 978-1-84383-598-1. [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita