Bach Bibliography
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Series : [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy
Year : 2009
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Erickson, Raymond:   The Legacies of J. S. Bach. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 1-64. Introduction
2. Rich, Norman:   The Historical Setting: Politics and Patronage.. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 67-104. Chapter 1.
3. Leaver, Robin A.:   Religion and Religious Currents. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 105-139. Chapter 2.
4. Otto, Christian F.:   Architectural Settings. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 141-174. Chapter 3.
5. Rose, Stephen:   Musician-Novels of the German Baroque. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 175-190. Chapter 4.
6. Williams, Simon:   Leipzig: The Cradle of German Acting. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 191-206. Chapter 5.
7. Little, Meredith:   Courtly, Social, and Theatrical Dance. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 207-225. Chapter 6.
8. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach and Luther. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 229-241. Chapter 7.
9. Stauffer, George B.:   Bach and the Lure of the Big City. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 243-266. Chapter 8.
10. Wolff, Christoph:   Bach in Leipzig. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 267-289. Chapter 9.
11. Schulze, Hans-Joachim:   Bach in the Early Twenty-first Century. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 291-305. Afterword.
12. Erickson, Raymond (ed.):   The Worlds of Johann Sebastian Bach. An Aston Magna Academy Book. Edited by Raymond Erickson. New York: Amadeus Press; Hal Leonard, 2009. [xvii], 344p. ISBN-10: 1574671669; ISBN-13: 978-1574671667 [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita