Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : MuzikolStudije(Serbia)
Year : 2008
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Lazarević, Milica:   Umetnost fuge J.S. Baha u stilskom kontekstu barokne epohe. MuzikolStudije(Serbia) 1 (2008), 37-55. [Die Kunst der Fuge by J.S. Bach in the stylistic context of Baroque era] Latin 2
2. Milojković, Milan:   Aspekti improvizacije u kompozitorskom i teorijskom radu K.F.E. Baha i napisima njegovih savremenika MuzikolStudije(Serbia) 1 (2008), 111-127. [The improvisational elements in compositions and theoretical works by C.P.E. Bach and in writings of his contemporaries] Latin 2
3. Utković, Aleksandra:   Bah kao retoričar: Doktrina o afektima u Pasiji po Jovanu i Pasiji po Mateju J.S. Baha. MuzikolStudije(Serbia) 1 (2008), 129-143. [Bach and rhetorics: The doctrine about affects in Johannespassion and Matthäuspassion] Latin 2
4. Popović-Mladjenović, Tijana; Perković Radak, Ivana (eds.):   Od Platona do Đona Zorna. [From Plato to John Zorn] Beograd: Fakultet Muzičke Umetnosti, Katedra za Muzikologiju, 2008. 362p. (= Muzikološke studije: Zbornici studentskih radova, 1) [contents] Latin 2

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita