Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : MWorld
Volume : 11
Year : 1839
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. [anon.]:   Dialogue on the formation of a musical library, between a musician and his friend. MWorld 11/152 (NS.4/58) (7 Feb 1839), 78-80
2. [anon.]:   Moscheles' Matinée Musicale. MWorld 11/154 (NS 4/60) (21 Feb 1839), 118-119
3. [anon.]:   Mori and Lindley's Classical Quartett Concerts. MWorld 11/155 (NS.4/61) (28 Feb 1839), 137-138
4. [anon.]:   Moscheles' Second Matinée Musicale. MWorld 11/156 (NS.4/62) (7 Mar 1839), 149-150
5. [anon.]:   Moscheles' Matinées of Classical Pianoforte Music. MWorld 11/158 (NS 4/64) (21 Mar 1839), 182-183
6. [anon.]:   Six Fugues for the Organ, composed and dedicated to Dr. Crotch, by George French Flowers. (Pupil of the celebrated C. H. Rink.) MWorld 11/160 (NS 4/66) (4 Apr 1839), 212-213
7. [anon.]:   'The Art of Fugue' by John Sebastian Bach. MWorld 11/161 (NS.4/67) (11 Apr 1839), 233-234
8. [anon.]:   Bach [from 'London and Westminster Review']. MWorld 11/162 (NS.4/68) (18 Apr 1839), 245-246
9. [anon.]:   Recollections of Johann Nepomuk Schelble. Late Director of the Cecilian Society at Frankfort. MWorld 11/162 (NS.4/68) (18 Apr 1839), 260-263

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita