Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : Bach
Volume : 46
Year : 2015
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Franklin, Don O.:   In Memoriam: Martin Petzoldt (13 April 1946--13 March 2015). Bach 46/1 (2015), 1
2. Franklin, Don O.:   'Recht Glauben, Christlig Leben, Seelig Sterben': Johann Olearius and the Libretto of Cantata 67. Bach 46/1 (2015), 2-28
3. Franklin, Don O.:   Viewing the Poetic Texts in Bach's Matthew Passion from a New Perspective. Bach 46/1 (2015), 29-48
4. Maul, Michael:   A Weimar Commemorative Album and Bach's Canon BWV 1073. Bach 46/1 (2015), 49-73
5. Cortens, Evan:   'Durch die Music gleichsam lebendig vorgestellet': Graupner, Bach, and Mein Herz schwimmt im Blut. Bach 46/1 (2015), 74-110
6. Leaver, Robin A.:   The Historical Context of Martin Petzoldt's Paper on Bach's Cantorate in Leipzig. Bach 46/2 (2015), 1-6
7. Petzoldt, Martin:   Bach as Cantor of St. Thomas in Leipzig, 1723-1750. Bach 46/2 (2015), 7-21
8. Collins, Denis:   Taneyev's Theories of Movable Counterpoint and the Music of J. S. Bach. Bach 46/2 (2015), 22-45
9. Crist, Stephen A.:   What Did Johann Ludwig Krebs Learn about Arias from his Teacher, Johann Sebastian Bach? Bach 46/2 (2015), 46-58
10. Vandall, Robert Dennis:   The First Bach Festival at Baldwin Wallace. Bach 46/2 (2015), 59-77

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita