Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : Bach
Volume : 21
Year : 1990
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Herz, Gerhard:   Yoshitake Kobayashi's Article 'On the Chronology of the last phase of Bach's Work - Compositions and Performances: 1736 to 1750' - An Analysis with Translated Portions of the Original Text. Bach 21/1 (Spring 1990), 3-25
2. Schulze, Hans-Joachim:   Bach's Secular Cantatas - A New Look at the Sources. Bach 21/1 (Spring 1990), 26-41
3. Faulkner, Quentin:   Jacob Adlung's 'Musica Mechanica Organoedi' and the 'Bach Organ'. Bach 21/1 (Spring 1990), 42-59
4. Marshall, Robert L.:   Truth and Beauty: J. S. Bach at the Crossroads of Cultural History. Bach 21/2 (Summer 1990), 3-14
5. David, Hans T.:   Deceptive Performance Traditions. (1926) Bach 21/2 (Summer 1990), 15-22
6. David, Hans T.:   Trugerische Aufführungstraditionen. [Original Text] Bach 21/2 (Summer 1990), 23-30
7. Eller, Rudolf:   Thoughts on Bach's Leipzig Creative Years. Bach 21/2 (Summer 1990), 31-54
8. Herz, Gerhard:   The Story behind Alfred Dürr's 'Capriccio'. Bach 21/3 (Winter 1990), 4-8
9. Morana, Frank:   The Presto in D minor, BWV 970: Its Authorship Reconsidered. Bach 21/3 (Winter 1990), 9-29
10. Leaver, Robin A.:   Parody and Theological Consistency: Notes on Bach's A-Major Mass. Bach 21/3 (Winter 1990), 30-43

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita