Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : BCJ
Year : 2009
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Hofmann, Klaus:   Program Notes. [BWV Anh. II 71 (1128), 680, 1045, 187, 39 and 129] BCJ 83 (Feb 2009), 8-17
2. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto. [BWV 1045, 187, 39 and 129] BCJ 83 (Feb 2009), 28-29
3. Akatsuka, Kentaro:   BCJ Creators. Dai-15-Kai: Rachel Nicholls (soprano). BCJ 83 (Feb 2009), 30-35
4. Schmidt, Johannes:   Katsute no Sei-Thomas Kyokai no yoni. Kanrensei o Koryo shita Program -- Bach Collegium Japan / Wie weiland in der Thomaskirche. Beziehungsreiches Program des Bach Collegiums Japan. BCJ 83 (Feb 2009), 38
5. Bach Collegium Japan. J. S. Bach Cantata Series vol.54 / Cantatas from Leipzig 1726 - III. [Programme booklet] BCJ 83 (Feb 2009), 51p
6. Hoshino, Hiromi:   Bach no 'Matai Junankyoku'. 1841-Nen, Leipzig ni okeru Mendelssohn Joenko no Saigen no Kokoromi. BCJ 84 (Apr 2009), 7-21
7. Kobayashi, Yoshitake:   'Matai Junankyoku' no Gakufu Densho to Juyoshi. BCJ 84 (Apr 2009), 48-54
8. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto. Shiyo Gakufu to Genson suru Shiryo ni tsuite; Mendelssohn no Joen no Tokucho to Konkai no Saigen Hoho. BCJ 84 (Apr 2009), 55-58
9. Bach Collegium Japan. Passion Concert 2009. Bach - Mendelssohn Matthäuspassion Fassung 1841. [Programme booklet] BCJ 84 (Apr 2009), 61p
10. Hofmann, Klaus:   Program Notes. [BWV 226, 118, 228, 227, 230, 229 and 225] BCJ 85 (Jun 2009), 7-15
11. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto. [BWV 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230 and 118] BCJ 85 (Jun 2009), 24-27
12. Bach Collegium Japan. J. S. Bach: Motets / Die Motetten. [Programme booklet] BCJ 85 (Jun 2009), 40p
13. Hofmann, Klaus:   Program Notes. [BWV 636, G.Böhm, Choralpartita 'Frau dich sehr, o meine Seele', BWV 45, 17, 102, 19] BCJ 86 (Oct 2009), 7-15
14. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto. [BWV 102] BCJ 86 (Oct 2009), 31-33
15. Kobayashi, Yoshitake:   Kantata 'Shu yo, Anata no Me wa Shinko o Kaerimirareru' BWV 102 no Shiryo o megutte. BCJ 86 (Oct 2009), 34-42
16. Bach Collegium Japan. J. S. Bach Cantata Series vol.55 / Cantatas from Leipzig 1726 - IV. [Programme booklet] BCJ 86 (Oct 2009), 55p

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita