Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : BCJ
Year : 1999
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Isoyama, Tadashi:   'Matai Junankyoku'. Nyumon no tame ni. BCJ (Mar 1999), 10-14
2. Bach Collegium Japan. J. S. Bach: Matthäus-Passion. [Programme booklet] BCJ (Mar 1999), 37p
3. Isoyama, Tadashi:   [Programme Note for BWV 179, 105 and 186] BCJ 37 (Feb 1999), 2-12
4. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto [BWV 179, 105 and 186] BCJ 37 (Feb 1999), 14-15
5. Yamashita, Michiko:   Kuhnau to Bach ... Futari no Thomas Kantoru. BCJ 37 (Feb 1999), 16-21
6. Bach Collegium Japan. 37th Subscription Concert. J. S. Bach: Cantatas in Leipzig Period 1723 - IV. [Programme booklet] BCJ 37 (Feb 1999), 23p
7. Isoyama, Tadashi:   [Programme Note for BWV 25, 64 and 147] BCJ 38 (May 1999), 2-13
8. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto. [BWV 147 and 64] BCJ 38 (May 1999), 14-15
9. Bach Collegium Japan. 38th Subscription Concert. J. S. Bach: Cantatas in Leipzig Period 1723 - V. [Programme booklet] BCJ 38 (May 1999), 17p
10. Yoshimura, Ko:   Interview: 'Matai Junankyoku' no Solist tachi (1). BCJ 39 (Jul 1999), 14-15
11. Bach Collegium Japan. 39th Subscription Concert. Monteverdi: selva morale e spirituale. [Programme booklet] BCJ 39 (Jul 1999), 19p
12. Isoyama, Tadashi:   [Programme Note for BWV 69a, 77 and 119] BCJ 40 (Oct 1999), 4-13
13. Suzuki, Masaaki:   Seisaku Noto. [BWV 69a, 77 and 119] BCJ 40 (Oct 1999), 15-17
14. Yoshimura, Ko:   Interview: 'Matai Junankyoku' no Solist tachi (2). BCJ 40 (Oct 1999), 18-23
15. Bach Collegium Japan. 40th Subscription Concert. J. S. Bach: Cantatas in Leipzig Period 1723 - VI. [Programme booklet] BCJ 40 (Oct 1999), 25p

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita