Bach Bibliography
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Series : [p]AMS_Sanfrancisco
Year : 2011
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Rubinoff, Kailan:   A Passion According to St. Marx?: Andriessen's Mattheus Passie (1976), Historical Performance, and Bach Reception in the Netherlands. [p]AMS_Sanfrancisco (Nov 2011) A paper read at the Annual meeting of American Musicological Society in San Francisco, 10-13 November 2011.
2. Berg, Darrell M.:   The Beginnings of a Composer: The Early Works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: III. Solo Keyboard Works. [p]AMS_Sanfrancisco (Nov 2011) A. Early Sonatas and Sonatinas; B. Performance of Early and Late Versions of Sonata, Wq 65/7 (Robert D. Levin) - A paper read at the Annual meeting of American Musicological Society in San Francisco, 10-13 November 2011.
3. Wollny, Peter:   The Beginnings of a Composer: The Early Works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: II. Early Vocal Works. [p]AMS_Sanfrancisco (Nov 2011) A. The Cantata for Leipzig; B. Works for Frankfurt an der Oder - A paper read at the Annual meeting of American Musicological Society in San Francisco, 10-13 November 2011.
4. Buch, Laura:   The Beginnings of a Composer: The Early Works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: IV. Trio Sonatas. [p]AMS_Sanfrancisco (Nov 2011) A. Early Works and Their Revisions; B. Performance of Early and Late Versions of Trio in D Minor (Julie Andrijeski, violin; Steven Zohn, flute; Robert D. Levin, harpsichord) - A paper read at the Annual meeting of American Musicological Society in San Francisco, 10-13 November 2011.
5. Wolff, Christoph:   The Beginnings of a Composer: The Early Works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: I. Overview of Bach's Early Creative Phase. [p]AMS_Sanfrancisco (Nov 2011) A. The Long Shadow of J.S. Bach; B. C.P.E. Bach's Original Compositions. - A paper read at the Annual meeting of American Musicological Society in San Francisco, 10-13 November 2011.
6. Williams, Christopher:   Bach in the Shop Window: Weill's Mahagonny and the Commodification of Musical Style. [p]AMS_Sanfrancisco (Nov 2011) A paper read at the Annual meeting of American Musicological Society in San Francisco, 10-13 November 2011.
7. Sela, Yael:   From Mendelssohn to Mendelssohn (Bartholdy): Reconsidering Jewish Participation in German Musical Culture in Late Eighteenth-Century Berlin. [p]AMS_Sanfrancisco (Nov 2011) A paper read at the Annual meeting of American Musicological Society in San Francisco, 10-13 November 2011.

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita